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How to make your morning really good
How to make your morning really good

6 simple tips to help make your morning good and cheerful.

How to make your morning really good
How to make your morning really good

Billions of people on our planet perform the same morning ritual every day. They wake up in panic, quickly put themselves in order, have a snack on the go and rush into the maelstrom of urgent matters, from which, completely exhausted, they emerge only in the evening. I know I used to be one of them too.

However, in reality, the morning can be completely different. Calm, healthy, energizing for the whole day. Now I will tell you what to do.

Get up 20 minutes early

No, better for an hour.

Do the math: By getting up one hour early each day, you'll get an extra seven hours of productive time each week! And you can devote this time only to yourself, to your beloved, and to no one else. Go in for sports, write diaries and novels, meditate, in a word, improve yourself as you can.

Yes, it can be hard to get used to. But there is one simple secret of how to achieve this - just go to bed an hour earlier. Just turn off your computer or, sorry, TV, and go to bed.


All day long we answer calls, press buttons, listen to orders, complete tasks … At the same time, we are focused on the outside world, respond in the right way to external stimuli, try to meet someone's expectations.

Morning is the best time to focus on yourself, on your personality. When the brain is not yet loaded with problems, when you are not tugged by every minute distractions, then it's time to calmly think about who you are, where you are and where you are going. It's time to relax and meditate.

Drink a glass of lemon water

Try starting your day with a glass of water. This will not only restore your water balance, but it is also extremely beneficial for digestion. Water will prepare your stomach for a new day, remove toxins, and normalize metabolism. Plus, it's just delicious!

Do the exercises

You can argue for a long time about what time it is better to go in for sports - in the morning or in the evening. Many argue that the body is still asleep in the morning and is not ready for serious stress, others object that in the evening, after a busy day, there is no strength left for training. But, in any case, no one will argue that in the morning it is imperative to do at least a light warm-up, do stretching exercises or do some exercise. This will not only wake up your muscles and ligaments, but also fill you with energy for the whole day.


There is nothing worse than flying out of the house hungry, in the hope of then grabbing something on the go. Sooner or later, your stomach will not withstand such bullying and will take revenge with some kind of disease. Therefore, never deny yourself a delicious and healthy breakfast, which will give you strength, good mood, peace of mind.

Listen to music

Never, never turn on your TV or radio in the morning. News spoils your appetite, ads clog your brain, dumb morning shows want to spoil your taste. Television is generally an unpleasant thing, but in the morning it affects the still relaxed mind is simply destructive.

Instead, play your favorite melody that inspires you or brings up fond memories. This will give you a positive attitude and help you get into your work rhythm organically.

This is how you should start your day so that it will bring you pleasure from the very morning. What's the recipe for your perfect morning?
