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How to live so that you don't regret anything at 30
How to live so that you don't regret anything at 30

Writer Ryan Holiday shared tips for twenty-year-olds: how to live so that at thirty do not regret missed opportunities.

How to live so that you won't regret anything at 30
How to live so that you won't regret anything at 30

1. Choose not what will bring you more money, but what will teach you something

Evaluate all career proposals from this point of view. Money can be made in any job, but it's much more difficult to really learn something, gain new experience and become better.

2. Don't do nonsense

Great achievements are rarely the result of short, intense work. Usually you need to work hard on them day in and day out. And to do this, you need not to waste time on nonsense. 30 years is a lot. Even one year is a lot. Much can be achieved during this time. Just do a little more every day than you did yesterday.

3. Build a long-term relationship

Of course, relationships are an ongoing effort. Sometimes it will be difficult and painful for you. Many say that they would like to find someone, someday get married, but what are they doing for this? Signing up with Tinder? Relationships are great if you make them that way, not because you magically meet the perfect person for you.

4. Avoid toxic people

We become those with whom we communicate. We adapt to our environment, keep this in mind when choosing friends and acquaintances. Interrupt communication with toxic people.

5. Keep a diary

Not to look back, but to encourage yourself to reflect on what you are doing now.

6. Don't make hasty decisions

When we are afraid, in doubt, and do not know what we want, we do not make the best decisions. Do not rush, it is better to weigh everything properly, so as not to regret later.

7. Define your worldview

Think about your views and values, write them down. It will become easier for you to understand yourself and decide what to do in difficult situations. Always live according to your principles.

8. Exercise every day

Stop thinking that someday in the future you will take care of yourself, lose weight and get yourself in good physical shape. Get started now. Make it a daily routine for you to exercise.

9. Don't compare yourself to others

What difference does it make that someone has achieved something before you, made more than you? What difference does it make if someone has more wealth than you do? Don't look at others, focus on yourself.

10. Be responsible

Insure your life, save money for unforeseen situations. Knowing that your loved ones will be provided for if something happens to you, you will feel calmer. Many spend money on unnecessary things that they cannot afford, and then blame others for their failures. Do not repeat this mistake, treat your finances responsibly.

11. But don't forget to take risks

By acting responsibly in some areas, you can take risks in others. For example, having a supply of money, you can leave an uninteresting job for you and try what you have long dreamed of doing. To do this, you need to know what is important to you.

12. Don't travel aimlessly

Traveling just for the sake of travel has now become a cult. But what if you've been to Africa or Thailand? What did you learn there that you couldn't learn from other sources? What is so important that you have done? What was your goal? You will not become wiser from aimlessly visiting different places.

13. Study the lives of great people

Not in order to compare yourself with them, but in order to learn from them. By considering the actions of successful, ambitious people, you can learn their lessons and avoid their mistakes.

14. Don't be offended, it's not worth it

We spend so much energy arguing and resenting, getting angry with other people, but it's not worth it at all. Instead of exclaiming “How dare they!”, Stop thinking that people owe you something.

15. Work

Usually everyone repeats that before you die, you will regret that you spent a lot of time at work. But if you are proud of what you are doing, you will remember about work with pleasure. But what no one is surely happy about before dying is how well they learned to play video games, how many restaurants they dined, how much time they spent arguing about politics. And there are a lot of such senseless, regrettable things. Favorite work is definitely not one of them.

16. Don't waste time hating

Hate will do you nothing, it will only make you unhappy. Life is too short to be wasted on anger. Try to find something positive in people, something for which you can be grateful to them.

17. Read more books

As you know, fools learn from their mistakes, and smart ones learn from strangers. As you read and learn from other people's experiences, you will learn a lot.

18. Remember You Can Live The Way You Want

You don't have to live up to anyone's idea of how to live, what is important, or how to dress.

19. Know what's important to you

You need to know why you do certain actions, what you strive for, what is important to you. Otherwise, you will endlessly compare yourself to others. It distracts from your own goals and makes you unhappy.

20. Remember: just learning is not enough

It is not enough just to study something, you need to keep the knowledge in your head. Otherwise, the training will be meaningless. Capture and comprehend new information. If you read a lot, take notes. Then on them it will be possible to repeat what was learned.
