Which CMS to Choose for a Website: Comparison of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal
Which CMS to Choose for a Website: Comparison of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal

Which CMS should you choose? Comparison table of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.

Which CMS to Choose for a Website: Comparison of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal
Which CMS to Choose for a Website: Comparison of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal

A Content Management System (CMS) is one of the key components of almost any website. We will look at three of the most popular open source systems at the moment.

For blogs and unpretentious sites, WordPress is most often preferred due to its friendliness to non-developers, as well as flexibility and extensibility, thanks to which even the most complex tasks become realizable. Lifehacker is powered by WordPress.

Which CMS to Choose for a Website: Comparison of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal
Which CMS to Choose for a Website: Comparison of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal

Complex, fancy sites with increased requirements for customization, scalability and content organization are best done with Drupal. Joomla sits somewhere between WordPress and Drupal.

The very first question that the owner of the future site should ask himself when choosing from these three systems is: "If I have questions and need help, can I find it quickly and easily?" Of course, yes.

Below you can find a detailed comparison table explaining the features and strengths of each of the systems.

Drupal Joomla WordPress
Official site drupal.org, Russian-speaking community drupal.ru joomla.org, Russian-language forum joomla-support.ru wordpress.org, Russian-language section ru.wordpress.org
Description A powerful developer-focused tool for building complex websites. Like most professional tools, Drupal requires some experience and practice to be successful with it. A trade-off between developer-oriented but more flexible Drupal and user-friendly WordPress Starting off as an innovative and easy-to-use blogging platform, WordPress has acquired a large number of themes, plugins and widgets. Now this system is used for sites of various formats.
Examples of sites powered by CMS Fast Company, Team Sugar MTV Networks Quizilla, Harvard University, IHOP PlayStation Blog, CNN Political Ticker, NASA Ames Research Center, The New York Observer
Installation Forum Drupal.ru Joomla Open Knowledge Base Where to start - ru.wordpress.org
Ease of use Drupal is the most demanding of the technical awareness of the user, which pays off with the widest possibilities when creating sites. From version to version, there is some simplification of Drupal, but even this does not make the system the best choice for those who do not want to deeply study the system and spend money on a specialist Simpler Drupal, harder WordPress. Relatively stress-free installation and configuration, coupled with the ease of spending time on understanding the structure and terminology, make it possible to independently build a very complex site Technical knowledge in this case is not at all necessary. WordPress is simple and intuitive. It can help you create a simple website extremely quickly. Also, WordPress attracts with the ability to easily transfer text from text documents to the site, which Drupal and Joomla cannot boast of.
Peculiarities The system is known for its powerful taxonomy and capabilities to mark up, categorize and organize complex content. The system was developed as a platform for communities with an emphasis on social functions Simplicity is a key benefit for both beginners and professionals. By creating a WordPress site and transferring it to a client, you don't have to worry about problems with the subsequent filling of the site with a new owner. Variety combined with an abundance of instructions and ease of management make WordPress ideal for technically inexperienced users.
Caching plugins Pressflow is a ready-made Drupal assembly available for download. Includes several pre-installed improvements, including those aimed at improving site performance JotCache will allow you to optimize the issuance of search queries on the site, and also makes it possible to specify the content that will be cached and exclude unnecessary from the cache. Page caching is also supported by the System Cache plugin included with Joomla WP Super Cache is a plugin that optimizes website performance by generating static HTML files from content retrieved from databases
Optimal use cases Complex advanced sites requiring complex data organization. Platforms for large communities, online stores Sites with a flexible enough structure, the creation of which would be problematic due to the limitations of WordPress. E-commerce, social platforms Blogs, news sites, and other formats that require the ability to quickly and easily add content. If necessary, the missing functionality is added using add-ons

Plunge into the world of WordPress or Joomla, and you will find yourself among an infinite number of ready-made solutions and add-ons that can satisfy absolutely any request. Get on the Drupal path and feel the power of being able to create functionality exclusively for yourself and your needs.

WordPress, Drupal and Joomla are community run projects. His legacy is a lot of manuals, instructions, articles, answers to all kinds of questions. At the same time, the information is quite well classified and ordered, which allows a beginner, with patience and respect for people, to get an answer to ANY question.
