10 activities successful people devote their free time to
10 activities successful people devote their free time to

The way we spend time after work, what we do in the evenings, on weekends or on vacation, affects our career more than meets the eye. If you want to succeed, then the choice of the way of spending your leisure time needs to be approached more carefully. And you can start right now!

10 activities successful people devote their free time to
10 activities successful people devote their free time to

1. Go in for sports or just take a walk

Sergey Nivens / Shutterstock.com
Sergey Nivens / Shutterstock.com

You have heard this advice many times and will likely hear it over and over again. The importance of physical activity cannot be overemphasized. It enhances our creativity, self-confidence and emotional resilience both at work and in our personal life.

It doesn't matter what you do, whether it's a gym, yoga, or a walk in the park - if you want to be productive for eight hours at work, take some free time to your body.

2. Find sources of inspiration and be open to new experiences

Creativemarc / shutterstock.com
Creativemarc / shutterstock.com

There are so many new and interesting things in the world around us that it is simply a sin to sit evenings on your favorite couch. Get out of your cozy little world more often and look for inspiration in the most unexpected places: if you are a cook, visit a museum, if you are an artist, go to a restaurant. The new environment will restart your brain and help you find solutions to old problems.

Home life is good, but look around. Have you ever seen couch potato innovators or CEOs of large companies who spend their free time watching TV on the couch? We are not.

3. Build relationships with family, friends and colleagues

Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com
Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

We do not have enough time even for calls, let alone meetings with loved ones and those with whom we do business. But face-to-face communication in a close circle is much more important and should never be neglected. All problems and omissions eat us up, prevent us from focusing on work, and ultimately affect productivity.

A dinner or a home event can help strengthen bonds with colleagues and family (if things are so bad). Who knows, perhaps the improved attitude of your colleagues will be a springboard for career growth.

4. Learn to say no

file404 / shutterstock.com
file404 / shutterstock.com

Wise people understand that you cannot be in several places at the same time and redo all the work in one day. Before embarking on a side project, accepting an invitation to a party and agreeing to help a colleague, they ask themselves: “What is my priority goal now? Will what I'm about to do bring me closer to her, or will it only complicate the task?"

Saying "yes" to an unnecessary business means automatically abandoning hundreds of others, sometimes more important. The sooner you come to this realization, the better it will be for you.

5. Spend time in nature

vvvita / shutterstock.com
vvvita / shutterstock.com

It is difficult to be in good shape when breathing conditioned air and working under artificial light all day long. So it is impossible not only to work, but also to live in general. Purposeful people find ways to connect with nature, upon contact with which your strength and energy are replenished.

Nothing prevents you from doing the same: get out with your family for a picnic, go out of town, or simply move your workplace to the garden if you work remotely. There are a lot of opportunities - you just want to realize them.

6. Stay offline

Gustavo Frazao / Shutterstock.com
Gustavo Frazao / Shutterstock.com

Intrusive notifications, emails and social networks haunt us around the clock. And while not everyone can “get off the air” during work, then in their free time everyone can arrange a digital detox for themselves. Successful people are as busy as you are, but they make time that is theirs and theirs alone.

You will not be able to properly rest if you are distracted by the trills of your smartphone every few minutes. Disconnect from the outside world, do not spoil your leisure time and do not irritate your loved ones - for a few hours of your "silence" the end of the world is unlikely to come.

7. Get into evening habits

Monkey Business Images / shutterstock.com
Monkey Business Images / shutterstock.com

Everyone knows that your productivity and mood throughout the day depend on the right morning "rituals". However, few people know that its completion is no less important. Some people collect their thoughts, scrolling through the events of the past day in their heads, others read to distract themselves from problems and relieve stress, and someone turns off the phone until the morning so as not to wake up in the middle of the night from a late notification.

Pay attention to your evening activities and form your own habits that will help you face the new day full of energy for future achievements.

8. Take yourself a real vacation

Nadezhda1906 / shutterstock.com
Nadezhda1906 / shutterstock.com

Only a lucky few can boast that they really took a vacation on vacation. The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to leave work, even in our personal time. Yet even the most important leaders have vacation time. Since they could afford it, why not you?

If you are such an indispensable employee, then agree with the management of at least a few inviolable days or set aside a certain time when you are available. Rest should be rest!

9. Invest in yourself and learn new things

Matej Kastelic / shutterstock.com
Matej Kastelic / shutterstock.com

Gaining knowledge and mastering new skills, we not only "pump" ourselves, but also keep the mind in good shape, preventing it from relaxing and withering away. It doesn't matter how serious your training is, the process is the main thing.

Sign up for courses, attend seminars or enroll in a correspondence department at a university to get another education. By investing in yourself, you become a more experienced and valuable employee, which will only contribute to professional growth.

10. Relieve stress and devote time to yourself

Photobac / shutterstock.com
Photobac / shutterstock.com

By whom and wherever we work, stress accompanies us everywhere and accumulates, affecting our well-being and productivity. Successful people understand this and use their free time for healthy recreation, paying attention to themselves.

It can be anything: meditation, yoga, breathing practices. Any activity that can help you distract and relax.

There are 168 hours each week, 40 of which (or so) you spend at work. There are still 128 hours left for food, sleep, rest and everything else. What will you spend them on?

Use your time wisely.
