14 facts about chocolate that will make you love it even more
14 facts about chocolate that will make you love it even more

From this article, you will find out what will make you urgently run for another bar of chocolate.

14 facts about chocolate that will make you love it even more
14 facts about chocolate that will make you love it even more

I have yet to meet people who do not like chocolate.

Perhaps there are such people in your environment? Then show them this article and they will love chocolate as much as you.

1. Chocolate is a natural pain reliever

Every time another piece of chocolate enters our stomach, the cocoa it contains causes a small injection of the elixir of happiness into our brain. This is due to the production of additional endorphins (natural opiates) and the activation of the brain's pleasure centers, which can even lead to a decrease in actual pain sensations.

2. Melting a piece of chocolate in your mouth is more pleasant than a kiss

In 2007, researchers at the University of Sussex examined the heart rate and brain waves in 20 couples kissing and then eating chocolate. In all cases, chocolate in the mouth evoked more than someone else's tongue!

3. Chocolate makes your skin look younger

German researchers suggest that the flavonoids in chocolate absorb ultraviolet light, which may actually help protect the skin from aging and increase blood flow to it. Ultimately, this leads to significant rejuvenation and.

4. It is a reliable source of energy

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which increase your energy levels. The darker the chocolate, the more you get. And, unlike all energy drinks, chocolate does not lead to a catastrophic drop in energy after a few hours.


5. The use of chocolate was previously condemned by the Catholic Church

In the action of chocolate, witchcraft and seduction were seen, and its lovers were all considered blasphemers and. Probably, there really is something in this, isn't there?

6. You can even smell chocolate

Here in this it has been proven that even the simple smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which cause relaxation. Comparing the effect of smells of different foods, scientists have come to the conclusion that only chocolate fluids have a pronounced relaxation effect.

7. Chocolate makes us smarter

Conducted in 2006 that eating foods high in cocoa can increase blood flow to the brain after just five days, thereby improving brain function. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who have chocolate in their diets are much better thinkers and stay clear for longer.

8. Chocolate doesn't harm your teeth

In 2000, Japanese scientists found that chocolate is less harmful to the health of your teeth than many other sugary foods. This is because the antibacterial properties of the cocoa beans offset the relatively high sugar levels.

9. In the Mayan civilization, cocoa beans were the currency

The value of goods at that time was expressed in the amount of cocoa beans that could be obtained for them. A slave cost 100 beans, a prostitute cost 10 beans, and a turkey cost 20 beans. There were also counterfeiters who made fake beans from colored clay.

10. Chocolate lasts forever (in the right conditions)

The bar of chocolate in the parking lot of the legendary Admiral Richard Byrd near the South Pole is very well preserved. Despite the past 60 years, it is quite usable.

11. Chocolate gives us superhero vision

A large piece of dark chocolate can help us better distinguish low-contrast objects, according to a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior. This refers, for example, to cars in bad weather or pedestrians in dark clothes in the evening.


12. Reducing the risk of diabetes

The flavonoids found in cocoa have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties that may be by increasing insulin sensitivity.

13. Chocolate helps you lose weight

Scientists from the University of Copenhagen found that eating dark chocolate makes you feel full and helps reduce your intake of other sugary, salty and fatty foods. Thus, thanks to chocolate, it is much easier to stick to a healthy diet and lose those extra pounds!

14. Increase libido

According to Italian researchers, women who regularly eat chocolate have much richer sex lives. They have higher levels of attraction, arousal, and satisfaction from sex.

What amazing news, isn't it? There is, however, one important detail to consider. The point is, not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate contains twice as many antioxidants as milk chocolate. In addition, dark chocolate provides us with fewer calories than milk chocolate, which is higher in saturated fat and calories simply because it contains milk.

If you want to truly benefit from chocolate, then always choose dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa.
