To the library for those who want to develop their abilities: books that are worth reading
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities: books that are worth reading

How to become smarter, learn to do complex mathematical calculations in your mind, how to do more in 12 weeks than in 12 months? You can find answers to these and other questions in the books that we will talk about in this article.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities: books that are worth reading
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities: books that are worth reading

If you are interested in any books, then click on their names - this way you can familiarize yourself with the reviews that were written by the authors of Lifehacker.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

A must-read book for anyone looking to achieve more. As you discover Dan Hurley's creation, you will learn about the research that scientists are conducting in the field of cognitive abilities, as well as about the ingredients of the Get Smarter cocktail. No, this is not an almighty manuscript that, as if by magic, will turn you into the smartest person on earth. But you will have an incentive not to get stuck in place and develop your abilities day after day.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

An excellent book for those who want to develop their abilities. After reading the work of Arthur Benjamin and Michael Shermer, you will learn how to divide, multiply, exponentiate and perform other operations on numbers in your mind. And no tricks - just math.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

It is difficult to argue with the fact that learning something is difficult, and sometimes lazy and even boring. Especially if your school and university years are left behind, and all the main time is taken by the workers' front. But you need to learn throughout your life, unless, of course, you want to become a faceless mediocrity.

In his book, Josh Weitzkin shared tips to help you motivate yourself to learn new things. Get out of your comfort zone. Find a good mentor. To understand that mistakes and failures are not a reason to quit what you started, but an incentive to move on. And, finally, remember that water does not flow under a lying stone, and begin to act.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

Most of us have two lives: the first is our own daily life, and the second is one that we could have lived very differently. Stephen Pressfield author of The War for Creativity

Many of us make our to-do lists for the year. But if you look at one of your similar lists, you will surely notice that you have not completed a lot of what you have planned, and you have not touched something else. It's a shame, right? Especially if you remember that the year consists of 12 whole months. Now think, would you have done more if there were only 12 weeks a year? Think not? But Brian Moran and Michael Lennington are confident that people would do more in a 12-week year than in a 12-month one. This is what they will try to prove to you in their book.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

Each of us has a lot of tasks, the deadline of which is inexorably approaching, and other things. Many people cannot correctly prioritize and because of this they try to do everything, and as a result, they do only a small part and then somehow. We are all very often distracted, unable to concentrate on current tasks. In his book, Peter Bregman explains how to stop being distracted all the time, shares tips to help you achieve your goals, and introduces you to the 18 minute rule, which will save you many hours later.

Some people have a to-do list with too many items. It can be helpful to make a list of things to avoid. To learn how to use your time wisely, you need to ask a few questions: What are you willing not to do? What doesn't make you happy? What's in the way? Peter Bregman

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

Remember Everything is a practical guide to memory development. After reading it, you will become familiar with specific techniques that will help you easily memorize names, numbers, passwords, faces, and everything else that your professional activity requires to remember. By the way, the author has proved the effectiveness of the given methods in practice: he remembers the number "pi" up to 22,528 decimal places.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

In order to develop your abilities, you need willpower, because it is so easy to quit what you started after the first failure. From Kelly McGonigal's book, you will learn about various techniques that can help you become a strong-willed person. And also that willpower is like muscles and it can and should be trained. And each time, showing endurance and perseverance, you will be one step closer to the goal.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

We will never achieve anything if we are afraid to take even a step away from our comfort zone. Creation by Brian Tracy will introduce you to 21 methods of increasing personal effectiveness. You will learn to plan your business and always think about the results; you will understand how you can find time for everything that is important to you; redefine your approach to work by learning to take control of the never-ending stream of emails and tasks.

To the library for those who want to develop their abilities
To the library for those who want to develop their abilities

The habit of being lazy, the habit of constantly putting things off for later, the habit of late deadlines - we have so many destructive habits and much less useful ones. This book will introduce you to effective tools to help you get started on acquiring and changing good habits. The authors of the book will share a simple system for changing habits, which includes five stages, and its duration is 90 days.

90 days is the time it takes to prepare for change, create new behaviors, build confidence in the face of high-risk triggers (factors), and minimize the likelihood of relapse.
