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The best longreads on Lifehacker in 2016
The best longreads on Lifehacker in 2016

How to make the most delicious pasta, how to run properly, how to understand beer, how to read 100 books a year? Sit back and look for answers to these questions in the longreads that Lifehacker and Kopikot's cashback service have selected for you.

The best longreads on Lifehacker in 2016
The best longreads on Lifehacker in 2016

The Portion Problem: Why We Eat Too Much

The Portion Problem: Why We Eat Too Much
The Portion Problem: Why We Eat Too Much

You may not notice this, but every year we eat much more than the body needs. The dishes are getting bigger. The portions increase in size. Let's talk about how not to be led by food manufacturers and independently determine the optimal amount of food.

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Detailed beer guide

Detailed beer guide
Detailed beer guide

After reading our material, you will stop being confused in different types of beer and will be able to easily distinguish Indian pale ale from the usual one. We will tell you about the main ingredients, without which the brewing process is indispensable, about the stages of making any beer, about how to taste the drink correctly so as not to miss a single nuance of taste and aroma.

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85 life hacks every girl should know

85 life hacks every girl should know
85 life hacks every girl should know

Beauty will save the world! And female beauty will be saved by life hacks. There are thousands of tips to help you take care of yourself. For our readers, we have selected the best of them.

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How to read 100 books a year

How to read 100 books a year
How to read 100 books a year

Is your list of books to read growing? Do you buy books that you don't even touch afterwards? Now is the time to fix it. Books are one of the best sources of new knowledge and other people's experience. Therefore, set yourself an ambitious goal - to read at least 100 books a year.

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What is cancer: 10 most common diseases

What is cancer: 10 most common diseases
What is cancer: 10 most common diseases

For the average person, the word "cancer" sounds like a sentence. In fact, the disease can be very different: some of its types are easily detected and effectively treated. Let's talk about a difficult but very important topic - cancer.

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The best in Asia: where to go and what to see

The best in Asia: where to go and what to see
The best in Asia: where to go and what to see

If you have long dreamed of traveling in Asia, but do not know what to choose from all the variety, our selection is what you need. Bustling megacities, wild jungles, white beaches - choose your choice.

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How to choose a running technique

How to choose a running technique
How to choose a running technique

Can you run wrong? As far as possible! We decided to understand the classic technique and the peculiarities of running at different speeds. By reading this longread, you will avoid the joint pain and muscle tightness that beginners often encounter.

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How to bring all things to an end

How to bring all things to an end
How to bring all things to an end

Disappointment and lack of perseverance are the main reasons why we never achieve mastery in various activities, be it learning a foreign language, mastering a musical instrument or the skills of a chef. So why are we giving up and how do we fix it? You will find the answers in our long read.

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How to choose and properly cook pasta

How to cook pasta
How to cook pasta

Lifehacker explains how to choose pasta: delicious, nutritious and non-fatal. We also share instructions for their correct preparation and the perfect combination with various sauces.

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101 rules of modern etiquette

101 rules of modern etiquette
101 rules of modern etiquette

Many consider etiquette a rudiment: life in the 21st century is too dynamic to remember the order in which guests are presented and the rules for using a napkin. However, neglecting good manners, people begin to confuse ease with insolence, sociability with tactlessness, and gallantry with narcissism.

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