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Muscle memory: what it is and how to use it
Muscle memory: what it is and how to use it

Everyone who is fond of sports has heard about muscle memory and at least occasionally pays attention to theory. But often our knowledge about it leaves much to be desired.

Muscle memory: what it is and how to use it
Muscle memory: what it is and how to use it

What is muscle memory

Muscle memory is the restructuring of muscle cells that occurs under the influence of physical training. Norwegian scientists from the University of Oslo have proved that muscle fibers have their own memory, and its mechanism is associated with the appearance of new nuclei in them.

With the increase in the number of nuclei in cells, scientists have linked muscle growth. More working genes made it possible to synthesize more actin and myosin - muscle contractile proteins. Contrary to initial expectations, the nuclei did not disappear when the intensity and level of muscle load decreased. For three months of muscle atrophy, they were in standby mode, and with the resumption of training, they began to actively function, enhancing protein synthesis and hypertrophic processes.

What does it mean

Each workout is an invaluable investment in your health capital. Each new weight you take, each new distance, doesn't just make you stronger, more enduring, faster. They make you that way forever.

The above research results prove that once mastered the load is forever imprinted in the memory of your muscles. If you once brought yourself into great shape, even if you lose it over time, it will be much easier to return it.

How it works in practice

You go to the gym, run, exercise, burn weight, or gain muscle mass. After you are successful in your endeavor, you suddenly have to take a break from training. The reasons can be any: trauma, childbirth, job change, financial difficulties, military service. For most athletes, a forced break causes unpleasant emotions. Many people think that now everything will have to start from scratch. This is not true.

Athletes who have already achieved certain results bring themselves back to their former shape much more easily than beginners. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the body, the intensity of training, the duration of the break and the degree of muscle atrophy during this period, but on average, an athlete manages to restore its former shape in three months.

You may remember that one such legendary comeback was Arnold Schwarzenegger's decision to compete in the Mr. Olympia competition and his seventh victory in 1975.

How to use muscle memory

The phenomenon of muscle memory is another example of how amazingly human beings are constructed. But this does not mean that there is no place for several life hacks that we ourselves can do with our body.

Don't be afraid to stop exercising

Your muscle memory is a guarantee that after a long break you will return to the gym, track or ring without much effort. This is your capital and the guarantee that all your training, efforts and achievements were not in vain. Thanks to muscle memory, you can safely interrupt your workouts for a while and not worry about missed opportunities.

Take breaks to achieve results

The phenomenon of muscle adaptation to stress is to some extent connected with the phenomenon of muscle memory. At a certain point, you reach a plateau, when your muscles are already accustomed to weights and exercises, so there is no progress. In this situation, you can temporarily pause your workouts.

Thanks to muscle memory, you can not be afraid that you will not be able to return to the achieved result. And after a deliberate break, it will be possible to gradually start training with renewed vigor in order to take on new weights, see progress, and get off the ground.

Work on your technique

Even if you haven't ridden a bike in 10 years, you can climb on it and be able to pedal successfully. This is also the merit of muscle memory. Your muscles remember exercise technique. After returning to the gym, you will not have to learn to squat correctly again, and after returning to the ring, you will have to put the blow again. Efforts to restore equipment will be minimal.

Muscle memory is another gift from nature, a hidden resource that testifies to our enormous potential. Don't neglect it.
