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Workout of the Day: 5 Simple Exercises to Reduce Harm from Sedentary Work
Workout of the Day: 5 Simple Exercises to Reduce Harm from Sedentary Work

Take a break for 3 minutes - you won't regret it.

Workout of the Day: 5 Simple Exercises to Reduce Harm from Sedentary Work
Workout of the Day: 5 Simple Exercises to Reduce Harm from Sedentary Work

If at the end of the day you are tormented by pain in your neck and shoulders, your joints are crunchy, your lower back aches, and your posture deteriorates more and more, it's time to do something.

3 minutes of simple, enjoyable stretches will help relax your tight and tight chest muscles, the front of your shoulders and hip flexors, and will slightly strengthen your weak glutes and upper back.

Of course, 3 minutes is not enough to fix existing posture problems, but they will help prevent further changes. Especially if you exercise regularly, for example every 2-3 hours.

1. Stretching on one knee against the wall

In this exercise, you stretch the front of the thigh behind the standing leg, the hip flexors, and the side on that side.

Place a rolled-up blanket under your knee so it doesn't hurt to stand on the floor. If you want to increase the stretch, tighten your glutes and imagine pulling your pubic bone towards your navel. Do 30 seconds on each side.

2. Child's pose

In this movement, you stretch your back muscles. Sit on your heels and lower your stomach onto your hips, extending your arms forward. Relax your neck and hold it for 30 seconds.

3. Stretching the chest against the wall

In this movement, you will stretch your chest and front shoulder muscles while strengthening your upper back.

Stand close to the wall, bend your elbows at a right angle, clench your hands into loose fists. Lower your shoulders, rest your elbows on the wall and push it, as if trying to budge. Keep your lower back in a neutral position - no need to bend over, making an "arch".

When done correctly, you will feel tension in the shoulder blades and the back of your shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds while continuing to push the wall with all your might.

4. Pivot table pose

This exercise will strengthen the glutes and thigh muscles and increase the mobility of the thoracic spine.

Stand in a table position: put your feet and palms on the floor, and raise your pelvis so that the body is stretched from shoulders to knees in one line. Then move your right hand to the left side, twisting the spine.

From this position, roll over to the "bear" plank: distribute the weight between the toes of the feet and palms on the floor, and bend your knees at right angles.

Then again roll over into the table position, but with a tilt to the other side. Continue changing sides across the bearish bar for 30 seconds.

5. Stretching in the gluteal bridge

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, keeping your bent arms suspended. At the same time, lift your pelvis as high as possible, straining your buttocks, and stretch your right hand to the left side behind your head, stretching your side.

Spend a couple of seconds in the pose, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Alternate sides for 30 seconds.
