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How to treat a sore throat correctly
How to treat a sore throat correctly

This "childhood" disease can be deadly.

How to treat a sore throat correctly
How to treat a sore throat correctly

What is angina

Open your mouth. In depth, on both sides of the uvula, are the so-called palatine tonsils. What is tonsillitis? …

These are extremely useful things. They catch viruses and pathogenic bacteria at the entrance to the nasopharynx and in many cases prevent infection of the body. But sometimes this defense mechanism cannot withstand the onslaught of infection. It looks like this:

Sore throat symptoms
Sore throat symptoms

Inflammation of the tonsils in international medical practice is called tonsillitis (from the Latin tonsillae - "tonsils").

In Russia, the name "angina" is often used. It comes from another Latin word - ango - "I squeeze, squeeze, the soul." This word quite accurately describes a threatening situation: sometimes inflamed tonsils swell, accumulate pus and increase in size so much that they almost block the airways. And then there is a risk of suffocation.

When to call an ambulance

Here are the signs that require immediate Tonsillitis medical attention:

  1. It became difficult to breathe.
  2. Swelling of the tongue and / or neck appeared.
  3. The muscles in the neck and jaw are so tense that it is difficult to open the mouth.
  4. It became hard, almost impossible to swallow saliva (it starts to flow out of the mouth).

These symptoms indicate that tonsillitis is getting out of control and becoming deadly. Fortunately, such situations are relatively rare.

What are the symptoms of sore throat

Tonsillitis is in many ways similar to other acute respiratory infections: fever, chills, sore throat … However, there are specific signs that help to recognize sore throat. Here they are:

  1. Red, obviously swollen tonsils.
  2. White bloom on them.
  3. Body temperature from 38, 5 ° С.
  4. Enlargement and soreness of the cervical lymph nodes.
  5. No coughing.

If you observe at least two symptoms, it is most likely that you have sore throat.

An additional sign of a sore throat may be age. Most often, children under 15 are sick.

The immune functions of the tonsils decline after puberty. This is why tonsillitis is rare in adults.

How to treat a sore throat

Most often, tonsillitis does not require treatment, except for symptomatic (relieving the condition), and Tonsillitis goes away on its own in 7-10 days.

However, only a doctor can decide whether to treat tonsillitis or not, and if it is treated, then how exactly. The fact is that angina can be caused by various reasons - relatively safe and dangerous.

Reason 1. Viruses

It is they who become the culprit of most tonsillitis. The news is bad: medicine hasn't really figured out how to deal with viruses. The good news is that our body copes well with these infections on its own.

If the specialist comes to the conclusion that you have a viral sore throat, you will be offered to simply relax: take a sick leave and lie down at home.

Reason 2. Bacteria

To be precise - group A streptococci. Such a subspecies of tonsillitis requires a full-fledged - not symptomatic! - treatment.

To check for bacteria, your doctor may do a quick strep test or take a throat swab. And then, if the diagnosis of "bacterial tonsillitis" is confirmed, antibiotics will be prescribed.

Your condition will most likely improve after the first dose. It is important not to relax, but to take the pills or suspension as much as the doctor has prescribed.

Otherwise, the disease that has succumbed to the medicine may return with renewed vigor. And this time she will already learn how to resist antibiotics, so she will have to change the drug.

Remember: Bacterial sore throat is not a toy. This disease, if left untreated, is fraught with extremely unpleasant complications, including:

  1. Inflammation of the middle ear.
  2. The formation of internal abscesses (which will have to be removed surgically).
  3. Rheumatism, which negatively affects the work of the heart.
  4. Glomerulonephritis, which interferes with kidney function …

In general, nothing good. So if you are prescribed antibiotics, drink diligently.

How to relieve angina

It's pretty simple Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments:

  1. Get more rest.
  2. To soothe a sore throat, drink warm drinks or ice cream, whichever is more comfortable for you.
  3. Eat foods that do not require chewing and easily slip down the throat: the same ice cream or, for example, honey, jelly, jellied meat from a rich broth. They will not hurt when swallowing and at the same time provide the body with the energy it needs to fight infection.
  4. Gargle with warm salt water.
  5. If the pain is severe, drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol can be taken.
  6. Suck on lozenges that contain benzocaine or other local anesthetics. Over-the-counter sprays can also be used to relieve sore throat. However, as shown by the study Management of sore throat and indications for tonsillectomy, they do not differ in effectiveness from regular rinses or lozenges, but they are more expensive.
  7. Monitor the humidity in the room, humidify it if necessary.

When to remove tonsils

The tonsils are organs that are best left untouched. They are an important part of the immune system and to some extent protect the body throughout life.

However, in some cases, if bacterial tonsillitis does not respond to antibiotics or tonsillitis recurs too often (more than seven times a year or more than three times a year over the past three years), the doctor may recommend surgical removal of the tonsils.

This is called a tonsillectomy Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments. It is performed under general anesthesia and lasts 35–40 minutes. After a few hours, the patient is allowed to go home, and after 7–10 days he fully recovers.
