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5 reasons why a paper planner is better than an electronic one
5 reasons why a paper planner is better than an electronic one

Paper does not run out at an inconvenient moment and gives room for creativity.

5 reasons why a paper planner is better than an electronic one
5 reasons why a paper planner is better than an electronic one

At the end of March this year (in the midst of my studies and work activity), I broke my leading arm and was left without the opportunity to write. Naturally, the diary had to be postponed. This has not canceled a bunch of cases, and it has become more difficult to cope with them without a glider and trackers. Applications for organizing life and taking notes came to the rescue. I used them all April and, as soon as the plaster was removed, I hurried back to the pen and notebook. And here are the reasons why the paper diary won out over the electronic one.

1. It does not discharge and does not freeze

A banal, but very important quality. If you have a busy schedule, spend a lot of time on the Internet or make frequent calls, you probably know the situation when your smartphone runs out of battery at the most inopportune time. This happens especially often in winter, when the battery cannot withstand the sudden temperature changes between the street and the room. In this case, the to-do list, addresses and phone numbers are much safer to keep on paper, because it does not have a battery.

2. He combines everything important

I searched and, unfortunately, did not find an application that would combine a calendar, a notepad for notes and to-do lists, and a habit tracker. There are separate applications for all this, and it can be inconvenient and just lazy to switch between them.

Paper notebooks, on the other hand, allow you to keep all the necessary notes in one notebook: manufacturers make special spreads with ruled lines for tables, calendars and much more. If you don’t like ready-made day planners with ruled lines, there is the Bullet Journal system to help you create your ideal planner.

3. It develops creative thinking

You buy a notebook, and you have ample opportunities for its design. In apps, you can't change design elements that you don't like (and if you can, then most likely only for a fee). On paper, you can change planning systems at least every week, draw, make thematic spreads, paste and save important photos.

Many people who love paper diaries also say that being creative is relaxing and helps them make sense of their notes. And it is always more pleasant to revise and re-read a beautifully designed text.


4. It is good for health and memory

Psychologist Virginia Berninger of the University of Washington, for example, says that when you write by hand, you remember what you write better because you have to draw each letter and number element by element. Thus, fine motor skills, memory are trained, logical thinking and speech develop.

Neuroscientist Judy Willis explains in her article: “The practice of writing can enhance the brain's ability to consume, process, store, and retrieve information. It improves concentration, improves long-term memory, and gives the brain time to think."

5. It is much cheaper

Basically, all you need to guide your paper planner is a pen and a notebook. Of course, you can buy stickers, markers and other stationery, but this is optional. The notebook lasts for at least six months, and you only have to buy a pen or refills. In the case of many applications, the necessary functions are available only with a monthly subscription. This can be a problem for pupils and students.

Of course, everyone chooses the most convenient option for themselves, and there are a lot of opportunities to combine classics and technologies. These are the advantages of paper gliders that have become decisive for me personally. What matters to you when choosing a diary?
