Table of contents:

10 things that are more valuable than money
10 things that are more valuable than money

If life has turned into an endless pursuit of money, stop. And switch to something more valuable.

10 things that are more valuable than money
10 things that are more valuable than money

Remember those sweet times when we were children and we were not at all interested in questions related to money. Remember how easy it was for us then?

And then we matured. We got the job. Got a family. Responsibility appeared, and with it the need for money. And from that moment on, our life completely changed.

Thinking about money has supplanted all other thoughts. Money has become our religion, our god we worship. Everything we do is for the money.

No matter how much we earn, we always want even more. A more spacious house, a safer area, a newer car. So our life turns into a continuous pursuit of money. Someone in this business is more successful, and someone less.

But if you believe the words of those people who have already made a fortune for themselves, then money appears in life only when you stop chasing them, and put more valuable things in the first place.

1. Time with family

If you lose money, you can always earn more. But, having wasted time, you can never get it back. Trust me, creating unforgettable memories doesn't take too much effort and time from you. Try telling your kids a little story (at least for the night), make them laugh. Do this every day and they will remember these moments forever.

2. Ideas

Ideas are more valuable than any capital. Over time, inflation eats up money, and good ideas only grow in value. Write down your ideas and keep them in a safe place. Perhaps one of them will make you a wealthy person one day.

3. Memories

Tell me, what New Year's Eve do you remember better than others? The one when you received an expensive gift, or the one when you experienced incredible emotions? Memories are like treasures that we keep in our head and to which we return throughout our lives.

4. Laughter

Laughter makes us happy and healthy. No one can exchange money for our sincere laughter. And at the same time, if only we want to find a reason to laugh heartily, we will find it always and everywhere.

5. Persistence

Everyone dreams of doing something outstanding in this life. But only those who have been constant in their intentions achieve this goal. Consistency forces you to keep sharing ideas even after they've been rejected once. Consistency motivates other people to admire these ideas when others don't see anything special in them. Finally, consistency allows you to get paid for these ideas.

6. DNA

Those who are reading these lines now will probably not be in 40-60 years, but the DNA will remain. She will remain in our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. And the best thing we can do to keep them from forgetting about their ancestors is to leave behind a legacy.

Money disappears after one or two generations, but the history of your family, the ideas and thoughts that you share with others, can live forever.

7. Generosity

When we do something to other people, it comes back to us like a boomerang. And the harder we throw this boomerang, the more forcefully it touches other people. Do you know what happens when we catch him? We experience joy and happiness. And it's better than money.

8. Ideas for other people

List 10 ideas that will make X better. X is business or individuals. Send this list to these people. Perhaps one of the 50 recipients will respond. This is fine. Sometimes this is enough to make millions.

9. Physical health

A lot of people wither and die in the first year after retirement. This suggests that you should not neglect your health for the sake of earning money. You can die before you even have a chance to spend this money. Watch your health, this is the only way to live a long and happy life.

10. You

Many people measure themselves by the amount of money in the bank account, the position held, or the things they own. But it's worth understanding the main thing: you are a unique combination of atoms, chemicals, experiences, interests and ideas.

You are amazing on your own, regardless of your wealth.

I am sure that this list can be expanded. Share your opinion in the comments.
