Table of contents:

How to care for spathiphyllum at home
How to care for spathiphyllum at home

Detailed instructions for watering, feeding and keeping the flower "female happiness".

How to care for spathiphyllum at home
How to care for spathiphyllum at home

Where to put spathiphyllum

Choose a place with diffused light for the flower "female happiness" (this is the popular name of the plant). For example, place it near a window. Spathiphyllum normally tolerates partial shade, but it will not fully develop in the far corner of the room with minimal lighting.

Spathiphyllum care at home: Where to put spathiphyllum
Spathiphyllum care at home: Where to put spathiphyllum

Avoid leaving the plant in full sun, especially in summer. And protect from drafts at any time of the year.

The suitable temperature for a flower from spring to autumn is approximately + 23-25 ° С. In the winter months, it should not be lower than +16 ° C.

How to water spathiphyllum

Do not keep the plant in a permanent swamp. Let the soil dry about a third of the pot between waterings. To test this, use a wooden stick with a blunt end.

Water the plant with water at room temperature or slightly warmer. From a cold one, problems with the root system may begin.

Be especially careful during periods when the outside temperature is low. If you overmoisten a plant that is on a cold windowsill, the roots will begin to rot.

Spray spathiphyllum regularly, for example once every 1-2 days.

Home care for spathiphyllum: Spray spathiphyllum every 1-2 days
Home care for spathiphyllum: Spray spathiphyllum every 1-2 days

Once a week and a half, give the plant a warm shower - the water temperature should be slightly higher than room temperature. During the procedure, be sure to close the pot with a bag so that excess moisture does not get into the ground.

To increase the humidity, use an additional tray with expanded clay or sphagnum moss moistened with water.

How to transplant spathiphyllum

If you bought an imported "woman's happiness" in a store, do not delay its transplantation. Do it after 2-3 weeks: transporting soil from a pot is not the best medium for good growth. Also, the roots can be enclosed in a net or cup, which will interfere with their normal development.

When replanting plants that have ended up in the ground and grown in local greenhouses, wait until the season is right.

Carry out a planned change of the pot annually, best of all in the spring.

Which pot to choose for spathiphyllum

The best option is a low and rather tight pot, 1–1.5 cm larger than the root system. In such conditions, the plant will not waste energy on filling the entire volume with roots.

Spathiphyllum care at home: which pot to choose when transplanting
Spathiphyllum care at home: which pot to choose when transplanting

What land to choose for spathiphyllum

Light, loose and permeable soils are suitable for this flower. For example, you can use special variants for aroids.

If there are none, make the soil mixture yourself. To do this, take a universal high-peat soil. Mix it with small pieces of pine bark. Additionally add some baking powder (perlite or vermiculite) and a few pieces of charcoal.

How to transplant

Remove the plant from the pot. Gently free the roots from the old soil. Cut off the rotten ones with a sharp knife. Treat the cut points with crushed activated carbon.

Spathiphyllum care at home: How to transplant spathiphyllum
Spathiphyllum care at home: How to transplant spathiphyllum

Do not over tighten with fit. As soon as you put the roots in order, place them in a pot with a drainage layer at the bottom (at least 1–1.5 cm) and some soil. Slowly fill in the rest of the earth and fill the voids inside the pot with it. Do not tamp too hard.

After transplanting, do not water the "woman's happiness" for 3-4 days. If the leaves begin to wilt, spray the plant several times daily.

How to fertilize spathiphyllum

Start applying top dressing only 1–1.5 months after transplanting. Previously, it is not necessary: in the new soil, there is already enough of everything, and during this time the plant will cope with the stress from changing conditions.

Use organo-mineral fertilizers in the proportions recommended by the manufacturers. Apply them from spring to autumn at intervals of 2-3 weeks. Do winter dressing at half the recommended dosage.

How to treat spathiphyllum

Inspect the plant regularly. Its appearance will tell you if any mistakes are made in leaving.

The leaves went limp and sank down

Spathiphyllum care at home: How to treat spathiphyllum if the leaves are limp and sagged down
Spathiphyllum care at home: How to treat spathiphyllum if the leaves are limp and sagged down

Cause: insufficient watering.

Once you notice a symptom, water the plant and spray liberally. Within a few hours, the leaves will return to their previous appearance.

If you do nothing and leave spathiphyllum without water for a long time, it will die.

The tips of the leaves dry

Spathiphyllum care at home: How to treat spathiphyllum if the tips of the leaves dry
Spathiphyllum care at home: How to treat spathiphyllum if the tips of the leaves dry

Cause: insufficient humidity in the room.

Try using a humidifier or place the flower and tray on a tray or plate moistened with sphagnum or expanded clay. Also spray and bathe the plant regularly.

Spots on the leaves

Spathiphyllum care at home: How to treat spathiphyllum if spots appear on the leaves
Spathiphyllum care at home: How to treat spathiphyllum if spots appear on the leaves

Cause: too frequent or heavy watering.

This is how the flower reacts to problems with roots suffering from a violation of the water intake regime. Try to water the plant as the topsoil dries, and do not water the potted soil.

How to properly care for spathiphyllum

  1. Place the plant in diffused light or partial shade.
  2. Protect from drafts and direct sunlight.
  3. Water as the soil dries.
  4. Spray and shower the flower regularly.
  5. Repot annually in the spring.
  6. Use light and loose soil suitable for the flower.
  7. Feed the plant with fertilizers.

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