Telegram bot True Face removes and applies makeup on photos
Telegram bot True Face removes and applies makeup on photos

The True Face Bot has appeared on Telegram, allowing you to see how beauties look without makeup. With its help, you can make a make-up for a person in a photo.

Telegram bot True Face removes and applies makeup on photos
Telegram bot True Face removes and applies makeup on photos

To use this fun technology, in the messenger, just search @true_face_bot. When you open the dialog, the machine will offer you to send a photo and after loading it, select one of two functions: remove or apply makeup.

Thanks to neural networks and machine learning, the bot will "wash away" the makeup or "make up" the face in the provided photo. And it will give a comparison "before" and "after".


The novelty was launched by the developers of Magic, as the creator of the application, Ashot Gabrelyanov, announced in his Instagram account. The program is known for animated stickers, which are obtained from short videos with the user, and the make-up function has already been launched in it.

The developers tested the capabilities of neural networks in the field of automatic application and removal of makeup on photos and accidentally added the function to the custom version. In Telegram, True Face was implemented to popularize Magic and feedback from users: is the "makeup artist" relevant in the application?


As Gabrelyanov himself wrote, "a very useful option could be for Tinder" so that there are no surprises when dating on the Internet. And it’s just interesting to paint up friends or “wash off the plaster” from celebrities.
