Table of contents:

22 important tips to help you become a good friend
22 important tips to help you become a good friend

Listen, do not fail in difficult situations and let us know that the person is important to you.

22 important tips to help you become a good friend
22 important tips to help you become a good friend

1. Don't show up only when you need something

If you do not ask your friends about their life, do not offer to do something together, and only call with requests, you become not a friend, but an annoying person who does not give anything in return. Remember that friendship is built on reciprocity.

2. Don't blame others for responsibility

Don't sit on the sidelines while others are working. Help, support, do something for a common cause. If at the most difficult moment you leave, most likely you will lose your friendship.

3. Consider your friend's feelings

Think about how your actions affect those close to you. Your words, actions and decisions can hurt very much. Before you say something harsh, imagine how your friend will feel.

4. Do not try to show that you are better at everything

Communicating with a person who constantly underestimates the achievements of others and boasts of his own, quickly becomes boring. Your friends and without it probably have moments of self-doubt. Do not squander this feeling by belittling their dignity.

5. Listen

If you do not allow a word to be inserted into the conversation, interrupt, do not ask sincere questions, you will not want to talk to. It is important for every person that his opinion is appreciated. Listening is a way to show it.

A good friend knows how to listen
A good friend knows how to listen

6. Show concern as soon as you notice that something is wrong with a friend

Write, call or meet with him to support. Invite somewhere. Show that you are ready to be there. It means a lot. But don't overdo it. Be tactful, do not impose your advice on a friend. Consider the features of his character. If he prefers to be in silence, do not drag him to a noisy event to unwind.

7. Know when to joke and when to be serious

When it comes to something important, refrain from jokes. During a dispute, they may not defuse, but inflame the situation. Show that you took your friend's problem seriously, otherwise you will not be trusted.

8. Do your best if asked for help

It is very sad when a person in such a situation does not try. So give it your all. For example, a friend asks you to comment on the text of his essay or article. Take notes, write down your comments, suggest new ideas. Show that this is as important to you as it is to him.

9. Do not quit in difficult times

In a difficult situation, a person may close down: refuse invitations and not get in touch. Don't give up: your friend may not get out without your help. Don't be too intrusive, but make it clear that you are around. Say that your friend can always count on you (and don't break that promise).

10. Make your friend feel important to you

Listen carefully when he speaks. Let us know that you enjoy spending time together. Say it directly: "You are a great friend", "Without you it will not be so interesting there", "I like to go to … with you."

11. Respect personal boundaries

You don't have to be together 24 hours a day or share absolutely everything. Sometimes you need to be alone, so do not be offended if your friend refused to go somewhere with you. This does not mean that he no longer wants to communicate with you - it is just that everyone has personal boundaries.

12. Be honest

Sometimes you don't want to talk about the unpleasant, so as not to put a person in an awkward position or cause a quarrel. But in some situations, you just need to be honest. If a friend has a bad habit, don't ignore it. Show that you care about his health.

Or, for example, a friend is going on a date and his breath smells bad. While it's embarrassing to talk about it, do him a favor. If you find it difficult to express criticism, give advice on how to fix the situation.

A good friend is honest
A good friend is honest

13. Introduce friends to other people

This will show that you trust him and are not ashamed of being seen together, but, on the contrary, are proud of it. It is not necessary to gather everyone into one company every time. Imagine a friend, and he himself will decide whether to communicate with new people or not.

14. Help in emergencies

Be the person you can call at night asking for help. Those you can count on.

15. Don't bring up embarrassing topics

This is not about useful things like indicating bad breath. Everyone has things they don't like to talk about - don't mention them just for fun.

16. Don't try to fill every pause in a conversation

Pauses are natural, don't be afraid of them. You should be comfortable together and in silence. Just enjoy each other's company and don't artificially keep the conversation going.

17. Be reliable

If you have promised something, do not break this word. Don't be late, don't miss deadlines, don't change your mind.

18. Learn to apologize

Yes. This is hard. But we all make mistakes sometimes. If you admit your mistake, your friends will respect you more.

19. Show that you are happy for a friend

We are so busy with our lives that we forget to tell our loved ones how proud we are of their successes. Don't neglect this. Make it feel like your friend's joy is important to you. Do not get rid of formulaic phrases, but really show emotions.

Joy can be shared with a good friend
Joy can be shared with a good friend

20. Do the nice little things

For example, buy something from time to time that your friend might like. This will show that you remember his hobbies and are willing to spend money to prove it.

21. Spend more time with your friends

There are always some things to do, because of which you can postpone the meeting. If you do this all the time, the friendship will quickly fizzle out. Stop making excuses for yourself. Take time and enjoy the opportunity to be together.

22. Keep in touch

It takes an effort to maintain a friendship, especially if you live far from each other. Don't wait for a friend to write to you - write yourself. Share your impressions, offer to meet and just remind about yourself.
