Just One Posture Correction Exercise
Just One Posture Correction Exercise

If you are experiencing persistent headaches, neck tension, and fatigue, then this could be a consequence of poor posture. With this exercise, you can gradually get rid of these unpleasant phenomena.

Just One Posture Correction Exercise
Just One Posture Correction Exercise

How many times have you heard parents and teachers tell you to keep your back straight as a child? Do you think they said it out of harm? Or did they just have nothing to do? No, a straight back is necessary for the formation of correct posture, which will save you from the appearance of violations of the biomechanics of the entire musculoskeletal system. Moreover, due to the displacement of the vertebrae, over time, problems with the supply of oxygen to the brain may appear, which will affect mental abilities.

However, all is not lost. There are exercises to help you correct poor posture. They are primarily aimed at strengthening the core muscles responsible for keeping the body in the correct position.

To do this exercise, you need to lie on the floor on your stomach. Stretch your arms along the body. Then try to raise your shoulders as high as possible and reach back with your arms. Lock the position for about five seconds. Repeat this movement at least ten times. Gradually, as the muscles strengthen, the number of repetitions can be increased.
