How to Get the Most of Your Productivity: 28 Quick Tips
How to Get the Most of Your Productivity: 28 Quick Tips
Anonim entrepreneur and founder Thomas Oppong has gathered all the ideas that have helped him become more productive in one place. We publish a translation of his note.

How to get the most out of your productivity: 28 quick tips
How to get the most out of your productivity: 28 quick tips

You work hard all week, but the results are still not impressive. Perhaps the problem is lack of focus and planning. Or you need to create a plan to help you get more done in less time. After all, having the right work plan is one of the keys to being productive. And these ideas will help to compose it.

  1. Set aside some time each week to prioritize goals for the next week, month, quarter.
  2. Use notifications to remind you of future tasks.
  3. Reduce meeting times to 20 minutes.
  4. Stick to the same daily routine. High productivity comes from persistence, not luck.
  5. Stay in the moment. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it may not be the number of tasks, but the fact that you are trying to think about several of them at the same time.
  6. Ignore mail and devote a limited amount of time to it every day.
  7. Do one task at a time.
  8. Write a list of anti-tasks. It should include everything that you should ignore on the way to the goal.
  9. Don't say yes to every request. You want to be liked by everyone, but your productivity will suffer in the end.
  10. Saying no is helpful. Minimum distractions, concentration and maximum results.
  11. Multitasking only works on iOS and Android.
  12. Prepare for meetings in advance and try to minimize the amount of information you will be discussing.
  13. Use task managers like Todoist, Wunderlist, or Asana.
  14. Set a goal for yourself to complete all the assigned tasks by the end of the day.
  15. Write down all your thoughts, conversations, and activities in a journal throughout the week. Analyzing the records will help determine the most productive time to work.
  16. Outsource everything you can't do perfectly. Focus on your strengths.
  17. Reward yourself for achieving your goals.
  18. Use a calendar and don't try to remember your daily routine.
  19. Dictate reminders, notes and tasks by voice to your smartphone.
  20. If the project seems too big, break it down into sub-tasks.
  21. Spend the first 30 minutes of your day planning.
  22. Follow the 80/20 Rule: 20% of the tasks you complete give 80% of the result. Concentrate on such tasks.
  23. Be realistic with your deadlines.
  24. Plan to spend at least 50% of your time thinking, doing, and talking that will bring you the most results.
  25. It is important to organize your day in such a way that activities coincide with your biorhythms. Determine when you work best: morning or evening.
  26. It is easier for the brain to perform sequential tasks that are similar to each other. Therefore, try to group tasks related to calls, mail and others.
  27. Getting out into the fresh air is extremely rewarding.
  28. During breaks, you should engage in distracted activities and try not to think about work.
