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How to get the most out of your productivity if you're an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert
How to get the most out of your productivity if you're an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert

How you prefer to work, socialize and play depends on your personality type.

How to get the most out of your productivity if you're an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert
How to get the most out of your productivity if you're an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert

Introverts are energized in silence and loneliness, while extroverts are energized in noisy company. Ambiverts combine traits of both types. If you are not sure which category you belong to, go through our. And then use the advice that suits you.

Tips for introverts

Psychologist Jonathan Cheek identifies four types of introverts: social, reflective, anxious, reserved.

  • Social introverts most similar to those who are usually represented when talking about introversion. They prefer to be alone or interact with small groups of people. However, they do not suffer from and do not experience anxiety when communicating.
  • Reflective introverts do not avoid social events, but often get lost in their own thoughts. They are thoughtful and self-absorbed.
  • Anxious introverts feel insecure in society. Moreover, anxiety does not always go away, even when they are left alone with themselves. They tend to wonder what might have gone wrong.
  • Low-key introverts think before acting. They live in a slower rhythm, making sure that their every action is deliberate.

Control your environment

Open-plan offices are supposed to facilitate collaboration and facilitate communication. But the constant background noise from music and other people's conversations is distracting. If you can't concentrate on your workspace, look for a quieter corner of the office or work in a coffee shop. Ask the office manager to designate offices for work that requires special concentration.

Choose one-on-one communication

Working in large groups and crowded events is an introvert's nightmare. There are positions where this is inevitable. Make time for one-on-one conversations, though. For example, talk to important clients in person after the meeting. Meet with each team member separately. This will make you more comfortable and achieve better results.

Don't work in a rush

Introverts do better when they dive into one thing and think carefully about the problem. But your colleagues won't know this until you tell them. Discuss with your supervisor the way of working that is most convenient for you. Volunteer to participate in projects that benefit from your skills.

Prepare for meetings in advance

Don't wait for the right moment to speak up, it may just not come. To motivate yourself, familiarize yourself with the topic of the meeting in advance and jot down what you want to say. Try to speak up as early as possible, because by the end of these meetings, the conversation usually turns to other topics.

Tips for extroverts

Extroverts get energized by being around people. If they spend a lot of time alone, it tires them. According to the researchers, there are two types of extroverts: agentive and affiliate.

  • Agents extroverts energetic and purposeful. They are confident, persistent and strive for success. They are comfortable in the spotlight and in leadership positions.
  • Affiliate extroverts very sociable. They are friendly and easy to make new acquaintances. Close relationships are very important for them, they usually have many friends.

Don't sit in silence

For extroverts, the silence in the office can be deafening. They need music and conversations in the background for inspiration. If you are overtaken at your workplace, work in a cafe. Or take a short break and take a walk outside. A change of scenery will help you recharge.

Be proactive, but don't overdo it

Some people find multitasking and constant meetings exhausting, but this is not the case for you. If you like this rhythm of work, offer to take on large projects. Just be sure to set boundaries for yourself so as not to burn out.

Arrange an hour of communication

Meetings do not count. Make time to socialize deliberately. For example, have lunch or coffee with a new person every week. This is especially important for those who work remotely. Take advantage of flexible hours and work in a coworking space. Go to group fitness classes or set up a business class.

Leave time for reflection

In multitasking mode, it's hard to notice your accomplishments. Therefore, after each important step, set aside 20-30 minutes to reflect on the work done and analyze the results.

Tips for ambiverts

According to psychologist Barry Smith, Winning personality: The advantages of being an ambivert, ambiverts make up 68% of the population. They are comfortable in social situations, they love communication, but they also appreciate loneliness. The most important thing for Ambiverts is to maintain balance. Their propensity for introversion or extraversion changes depending on the situation.

Make the most of your flexibility

You have both types of traits, so you can easily adapt in a noisy room, but you will not get bored alone. Consider your surroundings to be more productive. Be flexible so that both you and your colleagues work comfortably.

Experiment and find what works for you

Try the tips for introverts and extroverts and find the one that works for you. Depending on your mood, one or the other will help you.

General Tips

Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. It is helpful for introverts to sometimes interact with colleagues to strengthen the relationship with the team. And extroverts should not draw all attention to themselves and delegate tasks.

In any case, don't forget about cooperation. Ideal working conditions are rare. Try to make compromises. And after work, recharge the way you like: in a noisy company of friends or with a book on the couch.
