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11 quick ways to get your productivity back
11 quick ways to get your productivity back

Spend anywhere from a couple of minutes to half an hour to regain your work spirit and well-being.

11 quick ways to get your productivity back
11 quick ways to get your productivity back

1. Make a charge

Exercise stimulates the release of the joy hormone endorphin. Walk vigorously, squat, do joint exercises, dance. As a result, you will return to work in a good mood, and your tasks will no longer look as difficult as they seemed before the break.

This method is not suitable for those who are engaged in hard physical labor. Squatting after unloading the carriages is unlikely to improve your mood. But pay attention to stretching exercises: they will relieve some of the tension from the muscles, and you will feel better.

2. Breathe

Ideally, you should master the technique of meditation, but just deep, controlled breathing will suffice. Take a break from all tasks, think about something pleasant and breathe deeply. According to scientists, it normalizes blood pressure, relaxes. A few minutes will be enough to reduce stress levels and get you back to work.

3. Walk down the street

The method combines the previous two, but also includes a change of scenery. This will help you distract yourself and put your thoughts in order. The main thing is not to think about business. After the walk, you will feel a surge of energy that will help you cope with tasks faster.

4. Laugh

Many are trying to relax by flipping through the feed of social networks. But reading angry posts on Facebook will not make you more cheerful; on the contrary, it will add negative emotions. But watching funny memes and videos reduces mental stress. As a result, you will have a more optimistic view of the world and will get down to business with more enthusiasm.

5. Take a nap

You don't have to go for a long siesta. Take a nap for 15 minutes, or better for 30-40, and this will already bring results. Sleeping during the day lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol. However, this method works better if you get enough sleep at night.

After the break, you will feel how alertness is restored, productivity increases. The researchers note that naps can help reduce errors and accidents at work.

6. Massage your hands

A general massage course would work better, but it takes time and money. A hand massage will take a few minutes, but it will be beneficial. Scientists believe that it reduces anxiety and stress levels, relaxes, and normalizes the heartbeat. After such a massage, you will calm down and sensibly estimate the volume of tasks.

7. Wash your face with cold water

Swimming in low temperature water can help fight depression. Diving in an office sink won't work, so just rinse your face and / or wrists with cold water. This will invigorate you and make you feel more rested.

8. Look out the window

So you will kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, distract yourself and calm down while looking at people, cars, signs and other manifestations of life outside the window. On the other hand, rest your eyes.

When working at a computer, the distance to objects you are looking at practically does not change, which increases the load on the organs of vision. Therefore, it will be useful to observe more distant objects. This will literally help you look at work tasks with a fresh perspective.

9. Express your emotions

Fatigue is often accompanied by anger. Do not hold it in yourself, although it is not a good idea to splash out this feeling on others. Find an inanimate object, such as a piece of paper, tear it, wrinkle it, throw it on the floor. As a result, it will become easier for you, and you will be able to look at the situation more soberly.

It is important that there are no observers around at the time of your reprisal with the sheet, otherwise the situation will look strange.

10. Count upside-down

Counting is a habitual activity for the brain, so it is able to simultaneously list numbers and think about problems. Countdown, on the other hand, makes you focus on the numbers and helps clear your mind. The main thing in this is not to relax too much and not fall asleep (however, then you will go to step 5, so it's okay).

11. Listen to music

Relaxing music really reduces anxiety and helps fight stress, it has been proven by scientists. Moreover, this method is universal, it does not depend on gender. Pleasant melodies reduce cortisol levels, normalize the heartbeat and help you get through emergency situations without much psychological loss.

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