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How to get rid of midges in the kitchen in 3 steps
How to get rid of midges in the kitchen in 3 steps

Drosophila are extremely unpleasant neighbors in the kitchen. They appear literally out of nowhere, multiply rapidly and actively bore you. It's time to get rid of them.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen in 3 steps
How to get rid of midges in the kitchen in 3 steps

Are fruit flies dangerous?

By themselves, these small midges do not pose a threat to humans, but a larva accidentally swallowed along with food can cause an infection of the digestive tract. Fertility of fruit flies is extremely high: one female gives from 200 to 1,500 and more eggs. Insects can live in the kitchen for two months, which means that the risk of earning myiasis increases.

Drosophila eggs can enter the house on the fur of cats and dogs, with food or on shoes. The food base for midges is rotting organic matter. This can be rotten fruit, an unfinished glass of wine, spilled milk, waste stuck in the bin, a piece of meat that got into the crack during cooking, or damp soil of indoor plants. You can expand the list endlessly. Midges even feast on pet food.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen
How to get rid of midges in the kitchen

How to get rid of midges

Step 1. Conduct an audit


The main enemy of kitchen gnats is the most common hygiene, which deprives them of food. Therefore, when fruit flies appear, first of all check the kitchen from the inside:

  • Go through the potatoes, onions, and carrots stored for the winter. Throw away or recycle rotten vegetables. Do this regularly.
  • Place separate containers under the bulk products so that moisture does not get into them. Check the cereal carefully for fruit fly larvae while pouring.
  • Place all spoiled foods in the refrigerator. Try to fill the vase with fruit as it is empty, not for future use.
  • Wash the bread bin thoroughly and dry. Only then put bread in it.
  • If there are plants in the kitchen, loosen the soil, remove the fallen leaves, wipe the outside of the pots well, and wash the tray of cleaning agent. If there are midges in flower pots, change the soil to a new one, and irrigate plant leaves with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Take out the trash and wash the bucket with a strong disinfectant several times.
  • If you have pets, change the water in the drinker regularly and make it a rule to put the leftover food in the refrigerator or a specially designated container.
  • Check the cleanliness of the refrigerator. Be sure to tidy it up if there are smudges, old food debris, or moldy food.

Step 2. Do a general cleaning


It is very important to do a general cleaning of all kitchen surfaces. The breeding center of midges may unexpectedly find itself in some crack, where, for example, a piece of apple has accidentally hit.

  • Thoroughly wash the hob, especially the side walls. The oven can be quickly cleaned with steam. Place a baking sheet with water diluted with dishwashing liquid inside. Preheat oven to 100 ° C and let sit for 30 minutes. Now grease and burn can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
  • Be sure to check the microwave. To remove stubborn fat, use a mixture of 500 ml water and 1 tablespoon of citric acid (or 4 tablespoons of lemon juice). Heat the resulting solution in the microwave for 5-10 minutes at maximum power, then let the device cool for 5 minutes and wipe the surface with a sponge.
  • Thoroughly clean all hard-to-reach areas with a brush, mop the floors. Pay particular attention to the compartment under the sink.
  • One of the breeding grounds for midges is the sink drain, where small pieces of organic matter often get stuck. You can use any pipe cleaner or traditional recipe to clean the drain. Put a few teaspoons of baking soda in the hole, pour in a glass of vinegar and wait 20 minutes. Then rinse with hot water.

Step 3. Destroy the midges

If you have already removed everything, and midges are still enjoying life, you should use special bait traps. Wrap a plastic cup or jar with cling film, after placing a piece of fruit on the bottom or pouring a little sweet wine, compote, apple cider vinegar. Pierce the film in several places with a thick needle and leave the container overnight. Fruit flies attracted by aromas will flock to the bait, but they will not be able to get out again due to the size of the holes. It is better to throw a full trap directly into the trash can on the street.

How to get rid of midges using traps
How to get rid of midges using traps

In addition, you can use a variety of chemicals that are sold in specialized stores, and aromatic oils. Drosophila do not like pungent odors, so you should light an aroma lamp with patchouli, lime, lemon, ylang-ylang oil or put chopped garlic in the kitchen.

How to prevent gnats from returning

To prevent fruit flies from reappearing, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • Take out the trash in time and keep the waste bucket from getting dirty.
  • Do not leave food and uneaten food on the table. Make sure to find space in the refrigerator for perishable food items and in plastic containers for cereals.
  • Wash the dishes in time.
  • Wet your kitchen every week. Try to wipe your stove, sink, and tables dry.
  • Water your houseplants in moderation, immediately remove fallen leaves, and sprinkle the soil with sand or decorate with decorative pebbles. This will prevent gnats from appearing.
