Table of contents:

How to remove sides with clothing, diet, exercise and body wraps
How to remove sides with clothing, diet, exercise and body wraps

Fat deposits on the sides shouldn't spoil the mood. With a little trickery and patience, you will look perfect.

How to remove sides with clothing, diet, exercise and body wraps
How to remove sides with clothing, diet, exercise and body wraps

1. Change your wardrobe

The right clothes will not only hide problem areas, but will also benefit your health. After all, the same tight jeans impede blood circulation in the hips, and it is recommended to wear corrective underwear only in extreme cases.

Suitable models

Dress shirt. Emphasizes the grace of the figure and helps to hide the sides. It is better if it is made of thick cotton.

How to remove sides with clothes: shirt dress
How to remove sides with clothes: shirt dress

Trapeze dress. Dresses with a layered structure or drapery in the side area will look especially good.

How to remove sides with clothes: a-line dress
How to remove sides with clothes: a-line dress

Straight cut dress. Choose a dress strictly in size and made of thick fabric.

How to remove sides with clothes: straight cut dress
How to remove sides with clothes: straight cut dress

Long blouses and tunics. Equalizes proportions and adjusts the silhouette.

How to remove sides with clothes: elongated blouses and tunics
How to remove sides with clothes: elongated blouses and tunics

High-waisted dresses, skirts and trousers. They focus on the décolleté area and smooth out the side relief.

How to remove sides with clothing: high-waisted dresses, skirts, and trousers
How to remove sides with clothing: high-waisted dresses, skirts, and trousers

Basque. An extremely feminine element of any wardrobe model. Can be purchased separately and worn just above the waist.

How to remove sides with clothes: basque
How to remove sides with clothes: basque

Fabrics and colors

  1. Look for dresses, skirts and trousers made from heavy fabrics. Avoid glossy, metallic, satin, gold, and snakeskin fabrics, as well as delicate knits.
  2. Choose patterned clothing carefully. It is better if the pattern is small or vertical.
  3. Remember: dark colors make the figure slimmer. Light ones, on the other hand, highlight flaws.
  4. Discard large squares, horizontal lines and patch pockets.
  5. Emphasize the virtues of your figure. For example, owners of beautiful legs are advised to wear mini and midi. If you have beautiful breasts, wear plunging dresses and blouses.

2. Watch your diet

Prohibited products

  1. Sugar and everything connected with it: chocolate, jam, confectionery. Replace the above with delicious honey and fresh fruit. You can pamper yourself with sweet without a source of dangerous carbohydrates. For example, combine low-fat cottage cheese and one banana in a blender. It will turn out to be a very healthy treat. Or bake apples (especially winter varieties), cut in half, in the microwave. Gradually, you will completely eliminate sugar and enjoy more delicious and healthy foods.
  2. Flour products. Bread, all kinds of pies and pastries, pasta are actively deposited on the sides.
  3. Salty, fried and smoked dishes.
  4. Fast food, canned food, sausages, carbonated drinks, store juices, 3 in 1 coffee, alcohol. Anything that contains preservatives, flavors, artificial additives, flavor enhancers, dyes should be deleted from your menu forever.

The main rules for losing weight

  1. Eat vegetables and fruits, herbs, lean meat and fish, dairy products.
  2. Choose from drinks freshly squeezed juices, green tea, homemade yoghurt, country milk, unsweetened compotes from berries or dried fruits, still mineral water.
  3. Drink at least 2–2.5 liters of clean water a day.
  4. Eat 4-6 small meals a day. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  5. Have a fasting day once a week when only fruits, raw vegetables, and clean water are allowed.

A properly selected diet will help the body receive all the necessary vitamins and gradually get rid of the gained pounds. Here are some menu options:


  1. Boiled egg and diet bread.
  2. Low fat yogurt, orange.
  3. Low-fat curd cheese and half bell pepper.
  4. Apple, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.
  5. Boiled oat flakes, dried apricots, apples.


  1. Fresh or frozen berries.
  2. Several oranges.
  3. Two homemade oatmeal cookies.
  4. Half a bell pepper.
  5. Apple and banana.

If you can, add another snack after lunch.


  1. Vegetable soup with chicken fillet, curd cheese.
  2. Salad of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, seasoned with olive oil.
  3. Boiled or baked beef with fresh vegetables.
  4. Vegetable salad drizzled with lemon juice. A piece of lean baked fish.
  5. Boiled chicken breast. Tomato slicing.


  1. Boiled chicken without skin. Cucumber and tomato slicing.
  2. Boiled beans, egg, fresh cucumber.
  3. Baked beef with buckwheat garnish. Fresh vegetables.
  4. Jacket baked potatoes. Vegetable salad.
  5. Any seafood stewed with onions or garlic. Vegetable Salad.

Follow the diet for 2-3 weeks. Then you can expand the menu, however, not at the expense of prohibited products.

3. Do special exercises

To remove the sides, you need to do these exercises 2-3 times a week. Swimming and walking will be a great addition to the main load.

Leg raises

Lie on your side using your elbow. Slowly lift your upper leg and hold it in the air for 30 seconds, and then lower it just as slowly. Do 3 sets of 15 reps per leg.

How to get rid of the sides with exercise: leg raises
How to get rid of the sides with exercise: leg raises

Lifts of the pelvis

Lie on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms along your body, palms down. As you exhale, raise your hips to the maximum possible point and hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. At the same time, your back should remain straight. As you inhale, slowly lower your pelvis.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

How to get rid of the sides with exercise: pelvic raises
How to get rid of the sides with exercise: pelvic raises

Side crunches

Lie on the floor, bend one leg at the knee, and put the other on top. Place your hands behind your head. As you exhale, tense the lateral abdominal muscles and twist the body in the opposite direction from the bent leg. Try not to strain your neck or press your chin against your chest.

Do 2 sets of 15 reps on each side.

How to get rid of the sides with exercise: side crunches
How to get rid of the sides with exercise: side crunches

Complicated plank

Lie on your stomach, rest on your elbows and socks. Straighten your torso: the stomach should not sag, and the buttocks should not protrude. Raise your leg to the maximum possible point and hold in this position for a few seconds. Lower it slowly.

Do 2 sets of 10 reps per leg.

How to get rid of the sides with exercise: the harder plank
How to get rid of the sides with exercise: the harder plank


Lie on your back, straighten your legs, stretch your arms over your head, press your lower back to the floor. As you exhale, simultaneously raise your legs and body, trying to reach your feet with your palms. Hold at the point of maximum tension for a few seconds. While inhaling, gently, without jerking, lower yourself to the starting position.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

How to get rid of the sides with exercise: crease
How to get rid of the sides with exercise: crease


Get on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Straighten your right leg and left arm at the same time. Hold this pose for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and extend your left leg and right arm.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps per arm.

How to get rid of the sides with exercise: rocket
How to get rid of the sides with exercise: rocket


Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Place your right foot forward. Bend your knees slowly to form a 90-degree angle. Return to starting position. Keep your back straight and keep your knees out of your toes.

Do 4 sets of 15 reps per leg.

How to Exercise Hips: Lunges
How to Exercise Hips: Lunges


Lie on the floor with your legs straight, arms along your body. Alternately raise your knees and reach towards them with opposite elbows, slightly turning the body. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

How to get rid of the sides with exercise: bike
How to get rid of the sides with exercise: bike

4. Do the wraps

They improve blood circulation and stimulate metabolic processes in problem areas. They need to be done at least one hour after meals, twice a week. The course consists of 10-15 procedures.

6 options for wraps

  1. Dilute 8-10 drops of rosemary oil (lemon, grapefruit, orange, anise) and 2 tablespoons of blue or white cosmetic clay with water until the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Stir 100 ml of honey with 1 teaspoon of dry mustard.
  3. Add 8-10 drops of orange, lemon or grapefruit oil to 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  4. Mix 6 tablespoons of olive oil with 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and the same amount of red or black pepper.
  5. Melt 2 bars of 80% cocoa dark chocolate in a water bath.
  6. Mix 100 g of ground coffee with 10 drops of citrus oil.

Rub the warm mixture in a circular motion into the problem areas, and then wrap it tightly (but not overtightening!) With several layers of cling film. Cover yourself with a blanket and rest for 40-60 minutes. Then rinse off the composition with water and apply a moisturizer.

Ideal shapes and great mood!
