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7 tips to keep your job in a crisis
7 tips to keep your job in a crisis

The company in which you work is going through hard times: employees are laid off, other people's responsibilities are shifted to you, and there is no question of raising wages. So that working days do not turn into hell and the matter does not end with dismissal, remember these tips.

7 tips to keep your job in a crisis
7 tips to keep your job in a crisis

1. Do the job perfectly

Despite the banality of the advice, few follow it. The crisis forces companies to save on literally everything, and the first to fall under the optimization knife are monetary markups, bonuses and other pleasant bonuses. In addition, the responsibilities of dismissed and laid-off employees are automatically transferred to those who remain. The workload increases, the reward decreases, and the enthusiasm gradually evaporates.

If you are determined to stay at work, then you will have to go through this difficult period of crisis. At least you have a stable financial income, and that already means a lot.

As you expand your list of responsibilities, master the art of time management and complete the tasks in the correct order - in order of importance. If you have employees in your subordination, reallocate the work, giving them routine tasks that take a lot of time.

If you see that gradually a lump of tasks is growing to catastrophic proportions, and you are already practically living at work, discuss this issue with your manager. Clearly write down to him what you have been doing in the past few weeks, what results you have received and what really important you still have to do besides the additional work. Any professional manager understands that even the most effective and efficient employee can break down under an exorbitant burden of obligations.

2. Learn constantly

Competitiveness implies constant building up and updating of one's professional knowledge. Remember how long ago you took advanced training courses or professional retraining, passed international exams to confirm your skills or attended training courses, exchanged experiences with foreign colleagues? Do you know a foreign language?

Continuing education will allow you to track changes in your professional field and become an indispensable employee for the company.

Webinars, online courses and lectures will help you in self-education. If possible, attend face-to-face events. Live communication with professionals cannot be replaced by anything.

Most importantly, remember: by expanding your knowledge and building experience, you are contributing to your future. Even if you have to quit, all your achievements can be included in your resume. This will significantly set you apart from the rest of the applicants.

3. Generate new ideas

Now more than ever, companies need fresh ideas to conquer the market, attract new customers, cut costs, and develop more competitive products. Think about what you can offer your company new, useful and working.

Be prepared for the idea that you might like it and you will be asked to implement it. Therefore, think over the implementation scheme, economic costs and resource support of your proposals in advance.

Don't be afraid to offer yourself to do the kind of work you can do well. Initiative and the ability to be fully responsible for their ideas have never been prohibited anywhere. The main thing is to objectively assess your strengths, capabilities and time reserve.

4. Change your attitude towards work

There is no point in getting depressed about an unstable work situation. Consider, maybe it's time to define a new development strategy for yourself and move towards your goal. If you've been transferred to a part-time job, take this chance to freelance, find a new job, or turn an exciting hobby into a profitable business.

Negative changes can be the beginning of something new in your life.

Exhale, relax. Perform your duties efficiently and do not torment yourself with fears about possible dismissal. Be prepared for anything, don't get too attached to your place of work. You are a specialist, which means that with the proper activity, you will provide yourself with employment. Tune in only for the best and, just in case, think over the escape routes.

5. Maintain your image

Image is our integrity, consisting of the appearance and the impression that we make on others. Dress in a business style, be neat, and keep your shoes clean. Do not overuse perfume and jewelry, remember about hairstyle and oral hygiene. Smile and be kind at least sometimes. Avoid gossips, critics, and perennially dissatisfied colleagues. Create an image of a confident professional who is a pleasure to talk to and work with.

Analyze your communication and style, habits and individual character traits. Consider what could be changed and improved a little to build more effective relationships with colleagues and clients.

6. Be flexible in communication

It is very important to be able not to lose yourself even in those situations when the company is in a difficult situation and colleagues are full of pessimism. Try to be kind and patient. Ignore the nervous breakdowns of others and do not succumb to provocative comments.

Behave with dignity and show respect for the rest of the team. Answer calmly, listen more, do not interrupt the interlocutor. Try to let all the negativity pass you by and not get hung up on interpersonal relationships.

Remember that you are a person and an experienced professional who respects yourself and is worthy of normal communication.

If you have potential competitors and spiteful critics at work, be polite to them and keep your distance. Direct confrontations will only aggravate the situation and become the beginning of the most unexpected rumors.

Don't let yourself be rude about your boss's instructions. Phrases like “Yes, for such a salary, I also have to do it?”, “I would have quit my job long ago, if not for the circumstances!” are unacceptable. Of course, you don't need to shoulder absolutely everything, but you can get rid of the additional burden and say "no" in more civilized ways - arguments and calm dialogues.

7. Take time to relax

The constant stress caused by a negative work environment is exacerbated by a lack of adequate rest. There is no need to think about work every second and worry about the moments associated with it. This will not change anything, but will only increase the risk of developing neuroses, chronic fatigue and reduce your effectiveness.

You have no spare life and health. Appreciate yourself. You can always change jobs, but never your nerves and heart.

Life goes by every minute. When you come home from work, be distracted by your family, friends, and your favorite pastime. Start exercising regularly and eating right. Make time for sleep and daily walks.

By taking care of your health and maintaining a positive outlook on life, you will thereby increase your productivity and quality of work. In addition, energetic, optimistic and efficient employees always attract the attention of the management team.

Appreciate yourself and good working days!
