How to run with your dog
How to run with your dog

If you have a dog, then your sacred duty is to walk your four-legged friend every morning and evening, regardless of the weather and mood. So is it worth making time for running in a busy work schedule if you can combine walking your pet with jogging?

How to run with your dog
How to run with your dog

Of course, if your pet is from pocket breeds, then you can only run with him if you use him for weight. We're going to talk about active dogs of sufficient size who can coward next to you for at least 20 minutes.

Make sure your dog is healthy

Before taking your pet for a run, take him to the vet and make sure that the dog is healthy and can keep you company. If you still have a puppy, be sure to check if he can run with you. Running on hard surfaces can injure or deform growing bones.

It is advisable that your dog is at least 18 months old.

There are breeds that are not very suitable for running: short legs, flattened noses, and so on. The fact that you have a French Bulldog does not mean at all that he will not be able to run with you. You just need to take into account the shortness of breath and short legs and run short distances at an easy pace.

Teach your dog basic commands

If a dog does not obey and does not respond to such basic commands as "close", "fu" and "sit", then it is not only difficult to run with it, but even just to walk is difficult. Therefore, obedience is a must!

Choose the right leash

It's better to choose short leashes for running. This will allow you to better control the dog and keep him from the temptation to rush after the cat, pigeon or other dog. Obedient dogs can run without a leash anywhere in a park or forest with a minimum number of people and other dogs around.

Be sure to take water with you

Not only you, but also your pet wants to drink while running, so be sure to take water with you for your dog as well. This will not only quench your thirst, but also help you cool down faster. The heat transfer of dogs is different from ours. They get rid of excess heat through rapid breathing, and also partly through the paws.

Don't feed your dog before jogging

Do not feed your pet for at least an hour before running. It is also advisable not to give him serious food for another hour after: he may vomit.

But it is very possible to take with you a light dog treat. This will delight your pet and will be an additional incentive for obedience.

Watch your paw pads

If you run on hard surfaces, they can wear off quickly. Also, the dog can accidentally step on glass or other piercing-cutting objects.

During winter jogging, you should avoid roads sprinkled with salt, as it eats away on the pads. In the heat, it is worth running in the shade, not only because the dog overheats much faster than a person, but also because running on hot asphalt can injure paws.

If problems with paws arise constantly, you can try to buy special shoes for your dog, but it is not at all a fact that he will like to walk in them.

Check for ticks

Since it is already spring in the yard and very soon not only trees and grass, but also their permanent residents - ticks, will begin to wake up, this item is especially relevant. Even if the dog has a special collar and it is treated with insect repellent, it is better to play it safe and check again.

Start small distances and don't forget to warm up

Dogs love to run, but that doesn't mean you can take them with you to the half marathon. Dogs are more like sprinters and love shuttle running, but long distances are much more difficult for them.

Before jogging, arrange for yourself and your pet a little warm-up, play with him for 5 minutes.

Try starting 2-3 kilometers 3 times a week. After 7 days, add another half a kilometer to this distance. After another week, you can try to increase the pace.

If you seriously decide to start running with a dog, you better find a trainer who will make a program (yes, absolutely seriously!) For you and your four-legged friend.

By the way, the famous ultramarathon runner (Scott Jurek) runs 48 kilometers with his dog every day!
