12 promises you must make to yourself and always keep
12 promises you must make to yourself and always keep

Much depends on how we perceive the world around us. Make positive promises to yourself. Promise not to give up, fight, laugh louder, and overcome adversity every time the world hits you. Promise to be a force to be reckoned with. When you become your best friend, life will become easier.

12 promises you must make to yourself and always keep
12 promises you must make to yourself and always keep

1. I will not hold on to the past

Your problems, your weaknesses, failures, regrets and mistakes can teach you a lot if you are willing to learn. And they can be exhausting if you are not ready. So allow yourself to learn every day.

Take everything as a useful lesson. If you regret some past decisions or actions, stop carrying it with you. Then you did your best in accordance with the knowledge and experience that you had. You were younger then. Perhaps, had you made a decision today, already with a lot of experience and knowledge, you would have acted differently. So take it easy on yourself. Time and experience will help you grow and learn to make the right decisions for yourself and those you care about.

2. I will manage my life myself and be responsible for my actions

You blame your parents, teachers, the education system, the government, but not yourself. Right? After all, you are never wrong … But you are not. If you want to change, if you want to move on, the responsibility always lies with you. Only you can make decisions yourself. Only you yourself should be responsible for them. Run your life yourself.

3. I will refer to myself as a friend

Think about what you usually say to yourself. Are these inspiring, hopeful words that you could say to a friend? Or offensive remarks that only your worst enemy deserves? All day we talk inaudibly to ourselves and believe every word we say. Therefore, channel your inner voice wisely. Ask yourself, "If I had a friend who would constantly tell me what I tell myself, how long would he be my friend?"

4. I will listen to what my heart tells me

Feelings and intuition rarely let us down (at least it's worth checking it out). And if deep down you feel that you are doing something wrong, most likely it is. Pay attention to your real feelings and follow where they lead you. As you listen to your inner voice, you will see that closed doors only seem like this. In fact, they are open to you.

5. I will live the way I think is right

Allow yourself to walk the path that makes you happier. It is normal that some people in your life will not approve of this and will discourage you in every possible way. After all, we all have different ideas about happiness. Dedicate yourself to creating your own happiness. As sad as it may sound, in order to achieve what you want, you have to give up something. And it’s better to give up a relationship in which you are forced to do what you don’t want.

6. I promise to let go of people with whom relationships are at an impasse

Most people appear in our life for a short time. They come, teach us something, change something in us and leave. This is fine. Not all relationships end, but all relationships can teach us valuable lessons. If you are open with each person, you will learn a lot of worth. Sometimes it’s strange to realize that you’ve spent too much time with a person with whom nothing connects you anymore. But don't regret it. Everything is going exactly the way it should go.

7. I will smile no matter the circumstances

Even in difficult times, take a moment to stop and remember who you are. Take a moment to think about the things that really matter to you. Then smile. There is nothing more beautiful and powerful in the world than a smile through tears. Anyone can be happy when everything is easy. But you need to have a strong character to be able to smile in a situation that makes you cry. Remember that time will pass and things will work out. So keep walking. After all, strong people only come from difficult circumstances.

8. I will appreciate the life I have

Well, where we do not. Too many people overestimate what they don't have and underestimate what they have. Don't be one of those. Breathe in deeply. Don't worry about the past. Focus on what you have to do today, not what you might have done yesterday. Remember that when you lose something, you will definitely find something else. Appreciate what you have and who you are today. After all, life does not have to be perfect to be beautiful. Count your luck, not your problems. One has only to start thinking about your life in a positive way, and it will begin to change for the better.

9. I will use my strengths to make the world a better place

Often people think that they have no strengths, and therefore do not try to do anything. In a world filled with doubt, find the courage to be a dreamer. In a world filled with anger, find the courage to forgive. In a world filled with hate, find the courage to love. In a world full of distrust, find the courage to believe. And when you do that, you will discover facets of your personality that you never knew existed. The world needs you.

10. I will devote time to self-improvement

When you do something, you need to strive to do it right. Perfection is never accidental. Excellence is the result of big intentions, focused effort, meaningful management, skillful execution, and the ability to see opportunities, not obstacles. In addition, it is important to note that you should not judge the work done by where you are now, but by the distance you have traveled. The main thing is to be diligent and follow the path of progress step by step, day after day.

11. I will step out of my comfort zone

When you're having trouble, don't take it as a failure. Behind every great success there are great difficulties that must be overcome. Remember this. When you try your best, you become smarter and stronger. Make mistakes, stumble, learn, and don't stop growing.

12. I will accept change when needed

We always try to make the right choice, but how to understand that now is the moment when you need to change something and move on? There are always alarm bells, and you notice them, but you don't always want to admit it. Relationships, work, place of residence - they all have an expiration date. And often we continue to be in the same place with the same people, doing the same just because we are afraid of change. The result is always the same: pain, disappointment, regret. Be smarter. Embrace change with open arms if you understand that it is necessary.
