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10 habits to help you get back to life
10 habits to help you get back to life

Don't think about how you can change. Just start with the little things.

10 habits to help you get back to life
10 habits to help you get back to life

I'm sure anyone can form the right habit. However, there is one condition: it takes a good reason. And in 99% of cases, it lies in personal suffering, sadness and resentment. At some point, you can no longer put up with your current behavior and decide that it is time to change something.

In this article I will tell you how to gradually get out of the swamp of despair and return to normal life - to the very period when you felt happy.

1. Do strength training 3 times a week

They provide many benefits: they strengthen bones, help to gain muscle mass and maintain shape, and increase your strength. I've lifted weights since I was 16, and this is the only habit on the list that I've followed for so long.

Like many other beginners, I started out with split workouts. This means that you are pumping one muscle group during each individual workout: today - back, tomorrow - chest, the day after tomorrow - legs, and so on. That is, in fact, you work out a certain group only once a week.

But in order to get stronger, the muscles need more stress, and therefore I practice full-body strength training three times. It's easy, practical and effective.

2. Set 3-4 goals every day and achieve them

This is one of the best strategies for increasing productivity: everyone knows that focusing on a specific goal brings concrete results. But for this you have to learn how to limit the number of things you do. Hopefully everyone has long understood that multitasking doesn't work.

Therefore, set yourself extremely precise and clear goals that you want to achieve - every day, week and year. And work daily on 3-4 major (and minor) tasks that will bring you closer to your weekly and annual goals.

3. Read 60 minutes a day

I already know that you are going to say, "I am too busy to read." Or maybe you just don't like doing it. But you won't get off that easily. Reading is necessary for your knowledge and outlook, however, you probably already know this.

Reading also develops thinking and even writing skills.

"But I still don't like reading!" Well, there are many things in life that we don't like, but we still do them. And instead of repeating this phrase, just make time for a book every day. Learn to enjoy it and one day you will actually love reading.

4. Sleep 7-8 hours at night

No matter what important things await me tomorrow, I never sacrifice my sleep. I recently canceled an important morning appointment because I went to bed late the night before. I read a good book that completely absorbed me, took notes, and when I came to my senses, it was two in the morning.

And in the morning I had to wake up at seven to be in time for the meeting. And I canceled it. I can't sleep in 5 hours. There is no point in going anywhere if I sit there tired and not thinking anything.

Some unique people can get enough sleep in 5 hours. Leonardo da Vinci generally slept 2 hours a day. But most people take longer to rest. And if you don't have the prerogative to cancel your morning appointments, go to bed early.

5. Walk 30 minutes a day

If you can't set aside a little time for a simple evening walk, then you have absolutely no control over your own life. I don't even go out because it's good for my health.

It's just a little bit, but it disrupts the routine of our life and makes us get out of our comfort zone.

When you go out into the street, you are forced to become one with the world, to get out of your shell. And it heightens all your senses. You can walk alone or with someone. Or talk to someone you like. Or just enjoy the fresh air.

6. Practice Intermittent Fasting

I don't eat anything after lunch. And I skip breakfast. This means that I fast for 15-16 hours every day. Intermittent fasting has a positive effect on health.

I love this eating pattern because it makes me both feel good and look better. I do not eat unhealthy foods, preferring healthy foods with a high nutritional value. My first meal is high in unsaturated fat and protein. Plus, with this meal plan, I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight.

Try it yourself. Most importantly, make sure you are consuming the amount of calories your body needs (an average of 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men). And make sure your doctor doesn't mind this diet.

7. Live in the moment

We are so preoccupied with the future, our dreams, goals and ambitions that we forget to enjoy the present moment. This is one of my most annoying problems. And I really have to remind myself every day that I should not be happy later, but now.

We all expect to achieve something. "And then I'll be happy."

No, you will not be happy if you are forever stuck in anticipation of the future. So find something that brings you back to the present moment. For example, I recently bought a new watch. At the same time, I read a lot about Zen, with its contemplation here and now. So now, whenever they ask me what time it is, I look at my watch and say, "Now."

8. Give kindness and love

We are stingy with kindness and love, as if they were irreplaceable resources. But this is not true. Love is limitless and never ends. You can give it as much as you like. But the ego prevents us from doing this: we want something in return all the time.

Try to share your kindness and love every day. Remember that you have unlimited supplies. Don't worry about them running out someday. It won't happen.

9. Keep a diary or write for 30 minutes a day

I need to get my thoughts in order on a daily basis, so I write them down. It helps me focus on what really matters and discard the unnecessary. That's why I keep a diary.

And even when I'm not writing articles or blog posts, I sit down and take notes - just for myself. I don't let others read my notes, it's a very personal process. Keeping a journal is a great way to develop your mindset and get better.

10. Save

Save 30% of your future income. If you can't do that much, then save 10%. In saving, it's not how much you save, but how often you save it.

Save on the little things: don't buy yourself a latte every day or skip the expensive cashew nuts. And gradually they will turn into big money. A penny saves the ruble, you know. Especially if you invest.

These habits seem small and insignificant, but over time, you will see a return. Just stick to these principles until your life really changes. And when that happens, you will continue to reinforce good habits - not because you have to, but because you want to.
