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Top Tips of 2016 on How to Get Your Life Back to Life
Top Tips of 2016 on How to Get Your Life Back to Life

If you feel that you are at a dead end, and life instead of joy brings only problems and grief, it is time to do something immediately. Lifehacker and cashback service have collected the best tips of 2016 that will help you learn to rejoice in every minute you spend.

Top Tips of 2016 on How to Get Your Life Back to Life
Top Tips of 2016 on How to Get Your Life Back to Life

Don't be afraid of change

happy life: how to completely change yourself and become better than you are in 12 months
happy life: how to completely change yourself and become better than you are in 12 months

The coming year is a great time to get better. We have a detailed action plan for anyone who wants to change but doesn't know where to start. Nobody promises that it will be easy, but in 12 months you will transform outwardly, put things in order in your head and understand what you want from life in general.

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Change gradually

Happy Life: 100 Good Mini Habits to Develop in 2016
Happy Life: 100 Good Mini Habits to Develop in 2016

Stop promising yourself that you will start a new life right from January 1st. This task is too big to be done in one go. Choose a different tactic and start small - develop tiny habits that will inevitably set off a chain of change.

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Remember that work is not your whole life

happy life: how not to become a slave to the corporation. 26 life hacks for burnout at work
happy life: how not to become a slave to the corporation. 26 life hacks for burnout at work

You may even be sick of the work that you were initially delighted with. We figured out what could be the root of the problem, and told how to deal with professional burnout. Bonus - tips for saving energy in cases where it is completely zero.

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Rest properly

happy life: the formula "10-3-2-1-0" will give you sound sleep and a vigorous morning
happy life: the formula "10-3-2-1-0" will give you sound sleep and a vigorous morning

If you sleep for 8 hours but still don't get enough sleep, something is wrong. Try changing your bedtime ritual first. With this approach, your every morning desire to kill everyone you see will surely leave you.

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Don't try to be good to everyone around you

happy life: why I don’t help people anymore and I don’t recommend it to you
happy life: why I don’t help people anymore and I don’t recommend it to you

If people don't care about you, you don't have to help them. They just don't deserve it.

I foresee general indignation: how can you refuse a person who asks for help? It’s easy, if behind the request for support there is a desire to use you corny. Help only those who really need it.

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Get rid of relationships that are pulling you down

happy life: stop putting up with it: 5 signals to end a relationship
happy life: stop putting up with it: 5 signals to end a relationship

You can console yourself as much as you want with thoughts about a tit in your hand, but the fact remains: if the relationship does not suit you, it is useless to try to revive them. Sometimes it's really better to be alone than to spoil life for yourself and your partner.

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Take a fresh look at love

a happy life: 2 rules that will change your love life forever
a happy life: 2 rules that will change your love life forever

Simple is good. Difficult means bad. This is an axiom. No need to prove it.

Falling in love is blinding. We lose our heads, we do all sorts of garbage, and when the pink veil falls from our eyes, we are surprised at what we managed to do. Enough to walk on a rake. It's time to radically rethink the approach to relationships. So life will become much easier and more enjoyable.

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Review your expenses

happy life: how to live comfortably on one salary
happy life: how to live comfortably on one salary

Trying to keep from paycheck to paycheck, of course, helps to stay in good shape, but it's better to end this practice. Do not rush to look for a new job or a part-time job. Try to spend your earned money wisely, and not throw money left and right.

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Stop hoarding any slag

a happy life: 45 things you don't need
a happy life: 45 things you don't need

Things, things, things all around, too many things. We buy them to make life better, once again we are convinced that this approach does not work, and then we mourn the money spent ingloriously. In fact, for a full life, a person does not need as much as one might think.

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Get in shape

happy life: how to lose weight in a month: working instructions
happy life: how to lose weight in a month: working instructions

If you cannot change the whole world for the better, change yourself. Forget making excuses. Finding the perfect shape is not as difficult as it seems. Life hacker has prepared for you a 30-day program that will help you lose weight without supernatural efforts.

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