Habits to get rid of right after reading this article
Habits to get rid of right after reading this article

Do you have bad habits? I think I will not be mistaken if I say that there is. In this article, we have selected 12 bad habits that you should get rid of right now.

Habits to get rid of right after reading this article
Habits to get rid of right after reading this article

The life hacker has written many times about ways to increase productivity. And it's no secret that one of the best things to do is to create a routine that will help you maintain peak performance without harming you and your health.

However, this routine should take into account both good and correct habits, as well as bad ones, which suck life energy out of you and negatively affect life. Our bad habits are like kryptonite for Superman, and we need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Seize stress

All of us have sinned at least once. Instead of sensibly assessing the problem and trying to solve it, we pounce on food, and then we do not understand where the two-day supply from the refrigerator went. Eating food in this way has nothing to do with satisfying hunger. This is just an attempt to get away from the problem, but you need to understand that it is unlikely to be crowned with success.


Develop a healthy relationship with food. Calculate the required calorie content, learn about healthy and unhealthy foods, make a meal schedule. But don't tie your stress and food together. It won't end well.

Biting nails

You need to stop doing this, not only because it is unhygienic, but also because it repels people. It also leads to some diseases. Such as problems with the bite and stomach. People suffering from this habit have misshapen nails and it doesn't look very attractive.

Understand what is the impetus for this habit, and replace it with another, neutral, or better - a good habit. For example, if you bite your nails during stress, replace the habit with a walk or listening to music.

Listening to skeptics and people who say you won't succeed

We all know people who know in advance that nothing will work out for you and that everything is bad in general. Each of us is already sufficiently self-critical, and listening to criticism from the outside is also a useless exercise. Spend as little time as possible with these people and instead focus on people who are supportive and give you valid criticism.

Spending time with people who don't appreciate you

Have you ever been in such a situation? Situations where you are trying to please people who care about you. Draw a thick line between yourself and such people and never cross it, because they only harm you and your self-esteem.

To smoke

Here I will leave you alone with your thoughts. You already know everything.

Overdoing it with alcohol

We all know that drinking too much is bad for us. But do you know how much? According to, which assessed the effect of alcohol on the body, it can have a very strong effect on health. Here is just a short list of the problems that alcohol can cause:

  1. Deterioration of coordination and neural connections.
  2. Arrhythmia, heart attacks, pressure.
  3. Fibrosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis.
  4. Cancer.

Remember this list every time you bring an extra glass of alcohol to your mouth. You can change that.

Eat junk food

Shirinov / Depositphotos
Shirinov / Depositphotos

Or junk food. You may not even try to find at least a small amount of the right food in McDonald's, Burger King and other “restaurants”. Burgers, fries, and other foods are not only harmful but addictive.

It is almost impossible to completely eliminate junk food from your diet. But trying to reduce it to a minimum is your main nutritional challenge. Drink fruit juices instead of sodas. Make homemade but equally delicious sandwiches instead of burgers. Experiment with food and develop the myth that healthy food cannot taste good.

Be hostage to TV and social media

With the advent of the Internet, TV can be completely abandoned. It’s not that hard, and there’s not a single reasonable advantage of TV over the Internet.

But what to do with social networks, which are devouring time at a tremendous speed? Start cutting down on the time you spend on social media. Even if you think that you are spending so little time there, cut it down even more.

The false successes of your Internet friends, the abundance of news and information noise - you don't need all this. And the sooner you understand this, the sooner you can change.

Be late

Not only because it is rude and ugly towards other people. Also, because with your disrespect, you cause the same disrespect in return, and this can play a cruel joke with you.

Stop being late and get punctual instead. No, though. Start arriving 15 minutes before the appointment and just bring something with you to keep yourself busy. Fortunately, this is not such a problem with our smartphones.

Maintain unnecessary relationships

Lifehacker has a great article on this topic. If you see yourself and your partner for at least several reasons, then it's time to think about whether you need this relationship at all? Remember that time is a limited resource, and you shouldn't waste it on something that does not bring any pleasure.

Do everything at the last minute

Most often, this is the sin of students who are preparing for exams. Obviously, there is nothing good about it. Such stress does not benefit the body. Plan your assignments, divide them into several parts and complete them on time. By doing everything on time, you will notice how much free time you have.

Seeing only the bad in everything

You can react to any situation in two ways: focus on the bad parts of it and complain about it, or try to see something good and be happy about it. Criticizing and focusing on the bad is easy, but it certainly doesn't make you better.

Challenge yourself a little. Take any bad situation in your life and find three good aspects in it. Do this exercise once a week. Thus, you will develop the habit of looking for something good in any situation.
