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Nexar for Android and iOS - a dashboard camera that warns of danger
Nexar for Android and iOS - a dashboard camera that warns of danger

The Nexar mobile application analyzes the traffic situation and lets you know about a possible threat. It also has the usual functions of a DVR.

Nexar for Android and iOS - a dashboard camera that warns of danger
Nexar for Android and iOS - a dashboard camera that warns of danger

What comes to your mind when you ask about an Israeli startup for motorists? Surely it will be Waze - a navigation map that gives real-time hints about obstacles on the road and builds the best route to your destination. Hundreds of millions of drivers use Waze for their daily commutes to and from work, and rely on the app for long journeys.

In general, no other answer suggests itself. However, the situation may change in the near future. Since 2015, Nexar has been developing a utility of the same name, which can be called a smart mobile DVR.

The Nexar team takes the matter seriously: while the designers are polishing the interface, the engineers are developing technologies on the verge of artificial intelligence to instantly analyze the traffic situation. It works well, so the startup can easily attract investment. Investors do not worry about their money, because Nexar has its own monetization plan.

Nexar features for Android and iOS

The authors of the project recommend installing the application on an old smartphone, which almost everyone has. This way you don't have to fix the phone in the car and connect it to the power source over and over again. Once set up and forgotten. You need to adjust the position in such a way that the rear camera covers more of the road, and the front camera covers the maximum of the passenger compartment.

Yes, Nexar records video from two cameras (only on Android at the same time). This is extremely useful for professional carriers, such as taxi drivers or minibus drivers: you can always make a complaint against a restless passenger.

Nexar: registrar
Nexar: registrar

Other features of the DVR:

  • Cleans up the place if the trip is dragging on and the memory is coming to an end.
  • Works in the background (only on Android), so a motorist can display the same Waze on the screen.
  • Sees emergency situations in advance and signals possible troubles. Moreover, the application remembers the license plates of reckless drivers and lets you know if they are on the road right now. Information comes from all vehicles registered in the service.
nexar: possible troubles
nexar: possible troubles
  • Stores information about the trip, including time, coordinates and speed.
  • Determines the moment of the accident and sends the record to a secure cloud storage.
nexar: crash
nexar: crash

It's up to you how to manage the video. If you are sure that you are right, you can show it to the traffic police or insurers.

And here we go back to how the free app is going to make money. According to the authors, they will simplify the consideration of claims for compensation for damage, including through 3D visualization of an emergency. The scheme is already being tried in the United States, where the application has tracked more than a hundred accidents.

The Nexar version for iOS was released in February, for Android - in November (only in test mode). Perhaps, because of this, the DVR is not yet as good as we would like.

Practice shows that smart functions do not work, although in a really stressful situation they have not been tested. But be that as it may, the application still deserves attention for its extraordinary idea.
