Table of contents:

What is the danger of a bruise of the ribs and what to do with it
What is the danger of a bruise of the ribs and what to do with it

It is better not to refuse the help of a doctor.

What is the danger of a bruise of the ribs and what to do with it
What is the danger of a bruise of the ribs and what to do with it

How to understand that this is a bruised ribs

Injury can come from a shock, fall, car accident, or even a violent cough. The following signs of Broken or bruised ribs / NHS indicate a bruised rib:

  • Severe pain that occurs or worsens Bruised rib care / U. S. National Library of Medicine when inhaling, coughing, laughing, or sneezing.
  • Swelling or soreness around damaged ribs.
  • Bruise on the skin in the chest area.

What is the danger of a bruise of the ribs

Because of the severe pain, the person tries to breathe less deeply. Therefore, the lungs are poorly ventilated, and there is a possibility of developing Bruised rib care / U. S. National Library of Medicine for pneumonia.

Simultaneously with a bruise, a person can get a fracture of the ribs. It is not always possible to distinguish them from each other on their own: the symptoms are almost the same. But in the event of a fracture, there is a risk of damage to internal organs, for example, Blunt Chest Trauma Treatment & Management / Medscape of the heart, liver or spleen. If you do not see a traumatologist in time, life-threatening bleeding may occur.

When a doctor is urgently needed

If a bruise of the ribs is accompanied by trauma to internal organs or a fracture, a person can develop dangerous complications. Call an ambulance if Broken or bruised ribs / NHS:

  • the injury appeared after a car accident;
  • there is shortness of breath that only gets worse;
  • chest pain worsens;
  • stomach or shoulder hurts;
  • have a cough of blood.

If, immediately after the injury, the condition was normal, but after a few weeks there is no improvement, the help of a doctor is also needed, in this case, a therapist. Another reason to go to a specialist is a high fever or a cough with yellow-green mucus. This is usually a sign of pneumonia.

How are bruised ribs treated?

The trauma surgeon will first take a Rib Fracture Workup / Medscape X-ray of the chest to see if it is a fracture or a bruise. In some cases, even CT, MRI, or angiography is done. These methods help to see damage to internal organs and blood vessels.

If all is well, usually bruised or even broken ribs will heal Broken or bruised ribs / NHS on their own within 3-6 weeks. But, in order to alleviate the condition during this period, the doctor may suggest symptomatic therapy:

  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers without exceeding the recommended dose.
  • For the first 1-2 days, apply Bruised rib care / U. S. National Library of Medicine ice pack for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day to reduce swelling.
  • Rest. Take a vacation if necessary.
  • Breathe normally and cough if necessary. This will help clear mucus from the lungs and prevent infection. If the cough is painful, press a pillow to your chest.
  • Move your shoulders periodically to ease breathing.
  • Do gymnastics once an hour, 10 slow deep breaths.
  • Sleep on your back in a semi-upright position for the first few nights, and then on your healthy side.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and eat fiber-rich foods to avoid constipation. Otherwise, you will have to strain your stomach in the toilet, and the ribs will hurt more.

If pneumonia occurs, antibiotics will be prescribed to treat it. And with internal bleeding, an emergency operation will be required.

What not to do with a bruised rib

After such an injury, doctors do not recommend Broken or bruised ribs / NHS the following:

  • Wrap a tight bandage around the chest. This makes it difficult for the lungs to work.
  • Lie or sit for a long time in one place.
  • Strain and lift heavy objects.
  • Exercise or exercise that makes the pain worse.
  • Smoking and eating Bruised rib care / U. S. National Library of Medicine alcohol.
