6 bedtime tips to avoid bloating and stimulate weight loss
6 bedtime tips to avoid bloating and stimulate weight loss

Evenings and nights can be spent in different ways: going on dates, watching TV shows, reading or chatting on the phone. It is good for your mood. But why not devote some of this time to your health and tune your body to weight loss? Here are six simple tips to help you get a little slimmer and more attractive every day.

6 bedtime tips to avoid bloating and stimulate weight loss
6 bedtime tips to avoid bloating and stimulate weight loss

1. Eat a low sodium diet

“If you don't want to feel like a puffy balloon in the morning, skip the salt at dinner,” advises Keri Gans, renowned American nutritionist, nutritional speaker and author of the book. Excess salt retains water in the body, leading to bloating and swelling of the legs. It is better to cook steamed vegetables or lean meat, we repeat, without adding salt or seasonings based on it.

2. Exercise at night

Exercise before drenching sweat is a sure way to lose weight. However, not everyone will be able to wake up early in the morning to work out properly. It is even more difficult to find at least an hour for this during working hours, and looking at night you do not want to disperse the blood so as not to lose sleep. Incidentally, the last statement is nothing more than a delusion. According to a study conducted by the American organization National Sleep Foundation, physically active people are 60% more likely to be satisfied with their sleep. It doesn't matter what time of day they exercise. Therefore, you should not worry about your rest and miss the evening battles with extra pounds.

3. Make tomorrow lunch today

A regular cafeteria snack contains double the calories you are supposed to eat in one sitting. Of course, this does not fit into the weight loss program in any way. Therefore, it is better to take food from home for lunch. And do not postpone cooking it for an already difficult morning. Get in the habit of doing this the night before.

4. Drink plenty of water

H₂O normalizes the functioning of the excretory organs and knocks down appetite. A series of studies involving people of different age groups have shown that drinking water before meals reduces the amount eaten. This leads to weight loss. The only correction: do not overdo it at night, so as not to bother yourself with going to the toilet under the light of the moon. Therefore, Keri Hans advises to stop at least an hour before going to bed.

5. Sleep in complete darkness

In the dark, the body produces melatonin. This hormone is commonly associated with sound sleep. However, laboratory experiments on our smaller brothers throw up other interesting knowledge. First, a lack of melatonin leads to weight gain. Secondly, melatonin stimulates the formation of brown adipose tissue, which is found in all mammals. Brown fat, in turn, prevents obesity by burning white fat hanging from all sides of the body. Of course, this is not yet direct evidence, but keep in mind that many nutritionists associate quality sleep with stress reduction. And nervous shocks, as you know by yourself, warm up the love for the refrigerator.

6. Relax in the cool

The idea of burning more calories while sleeping may sound too good to be true, but research from the US National Center for Biotechnology Information has established an interesting fact: people who slept at 18 ° C burned 7% more calories than those who slept at 24 ° C. C. Not so much, of course, but grain by grain - there will be a bag.
