How to get closer to your dream job
How to get closer to your dream job

Can you say that you are completely satisfied with your job? If not, then today's article is for you. We will tell you how to get the coveted place in the company of your dreams, how to move up the career ladder or master a new field of activity that you have always had a heart for.

How to get closer to your dream job
How to get closer to your dream job

The economic situation in Russia, to put it mildly, is not very good. Statistics show that the unemployment rate is growing: managers are expected to optimize the staff, trying to make it more efficient. Obviously, the most qualified employees have the least chance of losing their jobs. Good specialists are not fired, and additional knowledge and skills at such a time will not be superfluous. With the development of the Internet and online learning, it is more convenient to obtain this knowledge and skills remotely.

There are also outstanding pros - those who, at the very least, are not afraid of being fired, because they themselves choose their employer. They always strive to become even better in order to jump higher, to get the most interesting position for themselves in the best company and on the best conditions. For them, ambitious and extremely busy, the distance learning format is generally uncontested.

It does not matter whether you want to move to another profession, improve your qualifications or have a diploma from a prestigious capital university to obtain the coveted place, the UNIWEB distance education platform will help you to implement your plans within a reasonable time, with reasonable costs, high quality and relevance of the knowledge and experience gained.

Distance learning myths

There are common misconceptions about the uselessness, inadequacy and ineffectiveness of distance education. They teach somehow, the online format does not work, and the piece of paper received after the completion of the program does not cost anything. In fact, generalization is inappropriate here. It all depends on the specific platform and on its approach to the learning process.

If we talk about the online format itself, then it works, and often better than being present at a lecture or seminar in the audience. Digital content is clearer, it has visual and interactive components to enhance understanding and reinforcement. European and American educational institutions are increasingly shifting towards distance learning, although students have the opportunity to attend classes. This is done not because it is easier for the university, but because it is more effective for the students.

The quality of education

The most pressing question: who, in fact, teaches? The curricula and courses available at UNIWEB are no different from those taught in the universities represented on the platform. And they are compiled by the same competent teachers. And these same teachers check, give grades, and comment on the homework that the students have to do. If you are skeptical about the curricula designed in this way, you can stop believing in the education system as a whole.

What areas to study

In total, UNIWEB students have access to 12 relevant areas, which include almost a hundred training programs.

UNIWEB Program Topics
UNIWEB Program Topics
  • MBA (2 programs) is a qualifying master's degree in management and management, confirming the ability to perform the work of a middle and senior manager.
  • Marketing, advertising (8 programs).
  • Public Relations (15 programs).
  • Logistics, procurement (4 programs).
  • Finance (10 programs).
  • Personnel, personnel management (8 programs).
  • Education and innovation (3 programs).
  • Project management (6 programs).
  • Management (15 programs).
  • Startup (12 programs).
  • Personal effectiveness (4 programs).
  • Industrial management (4 programs).

Please note that UNIWEB's partners include the most prestigious universities: MGIMO, Moscow State University, IBDA, RANEPA, Shaninka and others. More information about educational institutions is written here, and you can read about programs here.

Weight of distance learning diplomas

A diploma received after completing distance learning is no different from a diploma issued in full-time education. Of course, one can argue that what is more important here is not what is written on paper, but actual useful knowledge deposited in the head. However, all employers are different. It is more important for someone to have a prestigious diploma or certificate. In the case of studying at UNIWEB, preferences do not affect anything, since students who are serious about studying receive both.

How is the training going

Distance learning is, perhaps, an ideal format for obtaining and mastering high-quality knowledge without prejudice to work and other matters. The student studies at any time convenient for him, even at lunchtime, at least at two o'clock in the morning. Study materials are provided in video and text format with visual illustrations that contribute to a better understanding of the subject, and to check the success of the study, the student takes interactive tests, solves practical cases, problems and writes essays. At the end of the course, a final test is taken. If problems arise during the study, a personal mentor comes to the rescue.

Do I need to study now and why

Perhaps your fear of being fired is driving you to improve your skills. Perhaps you think that you will not be able to compete with colleagues in a crisis and you will be laid off. However, the crisis will end sooner or later, but the need for qualified personnel will only grow, regardless of whether the country is doing well or not. To become even cooler professionals in your field, to get the necessary diploma in order to work in a new interesting profession in a dream company - this is what many dream of. The only question is whether you can take action to get what you want.
