How to tell about a future addition to the family
How to tell about a future addition to the family

Your family will grow up soon. Our congratulations! You probably want to share your joy with everyone around you. Find out how to make it fun, stylish and unambiguous from our selection of ideas.

A photograph of a changed figure, fingers folded in a heart against the background of the abdomen, the results of an ultrasound scan or, it's scary to imagine, a positive pregnancy test are commonplace and melancholy. You can do without pictures with anatomical details and medical details, but make the announcement memorable.

Children's shoes

Baby clothes are an endless source of creativity when it comes to pregnancy. Small children's shoes, booties and other sandals look charming and cause an attack of emotion. Show how you are expecting a baby and prepare to meet him. And clearly explain to everyone interested that soon someone will wear these boots.

Family addition: shoe idea
Family addition: shoe idea
Ultrasound and booties
Ultrasound and booties
Another shoe idea
Another shoe idea
The whole family is waiting!
The whole family is waiting!

And not only shoes

An apple from an apple tree, as you know, rolls away not far. The future team member is sure to join the family's favorite entertainment.

Adding gamers to the family
Adding gamers to the family
Adding cycling enthusiasts to the family
Adding cycling enthusiasts to the family
Adding coffee lovers to the family
Adding coffee lovers to the family
Adding sports fans to the family
Adding sports fans to the family


Is the dog or cat also a member of your family? This means that they will also wait for the replenishment and appearance of a new person in their life.

Adding to the family: ideas with animals
Adding to the family: ideas with animals
Dog and pregnancy test
Dog and pregnancy test

Unrestrained creativity

Ice-ice-baby and other ideas that speak for themselves.

Drawing on the wall
Drawing on the wall
Puzzle idea
Puzzle idea

Movie poster

To make the simplest poster from a family photo, it is enough to be able to work in any graphic editor at a basic level.

Family addition poster
Family addition poster
Another poster idea
Another poster idea
Stork idea
Stork idea

Family members and their new status

Family members are awarded the honorary titles of mothers, fathers, older brothers and sisters. And this also speaks volumes about the future addition.

Idea with signs
Idea with signs
T-shirt idea
T-shirt idea
Idea with cubes
Idea with cubes
Big sister
Big sister

In general, if you are tempted to talk about your situation, try to have a little fun. There is a reason.
