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How to combine work, family and hobbies: 16 tips for the father of the family
How to combine work, family and hobbies: 16 tips for the father of the family

Every person needs time in life for three things - work, family and hobbies. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay attention to these areas at the same time, especially if you are the father of a family. But it is possible to achieve a balance between them. Our tips will help you with this.

How to combine work, family and hobbies: 16 tips for the father of the family
How to combine work, family and hobbies: 16 tips for the father of the family

A married man is familiar with this state: you kill yourself at work, but loved ones are offended due to lack of attention, you try to spend more time with your family, but you forget about your own interests. We can assure you that work, family and hobbies can take their place in life and bring pleasure.

Spend more time with your family

1. Sit down together at the table at least once a day

Try to keep exceptions rare. Can't have dinner together? Do your best to drink kefir before bed at the same table. Family meals help children build vocabulary and develop emotional stability.

2. Have a family evening once a week

Have a ritual - devote one evening a week to family activities. Play board games or watch movies late. An evening that begins with entertainment can turn into a heart-to-heart conversation that builds trust in the family.

3. Prepare breakfast on weekends with the kids

Cooking is always unifying. And let your kids hate omelets because only you know how to cook them, but they will look forward to next weekend to have fun and tell all the news of the week.

4. Spend time with each child separately once a week

For each of the children, set aside at least half an hour that you will only spend together. It is not so important what you do. It could be a regular walk as well. The time spent with dad means a lot to the child.

5. Always say yes

React positively to your child's ideas. You can also answer: "Yes, we will discuss this", "Yes, I understand how important this is for you." If you start the answer with the word “no”, the child will feel that all his desires are being rejected.

6. Spend time with your wife

You are not only parents, but also friends and sexual partners. Set up regular private dates.

7. Be the main fan of your family

Support and approval are expected from you. Admire your loved ones, whether they deserve it or not. Compliment your wife and kids. Do your best to make them feel how much you love them.

Do not devote all your free time to work

8. Leave work tasks at the office

When you come home, do not hang on the phone, discussing business with colleagues. If you have to work from home, do not do it during family time.

9. Work efficiently

Manage time so that you have time to get everything done during the working day and not be late in the office. Failure to organize yourself will have to sacrifice family and personal hours.

10. Eliminate unimportant things

If you're not at work, not with your family, and you're not doing something that inspires you, then what the hell are you doing?

11. Don't sacrifice everything for work

Sometimes it’s necessary, but you don’t have to constantly give up everything to solve work problems.

When you are awake, eating poorly, not exercising, and constantly living under stress, you burn out. You make bad decisions, your company suffers. Love your loved ones. Failure at work is not a failure in life, unlike failure in a relationship.

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Remember hobbies

12. Plan time for hobbies

Your hobbies are vital energy that helps you work and be the head of the family. Plan enough time per day, week, or month to be dedicated to your own pleasures. Your loved ones also need this, because they need a cheerful father.

13. Find Yourself a Refuge

A garage, a backyard, a corner in the bedroom or an armchair in the living room - there should be just your space somewhere, filled with things and atmosphere that help you relax. A tiny place of power in which you can dump the burden of problems and emotions.

14. Get enough sleep

Having exhausted yourself with a lack of sleep, you will not be able to work productively, communicate with loved ones, and pursue your hobbies.

15. Meet your friends

Spending time with friends helps you relax and develop. Everyone needs a wider circle of friends than family and children.

16. Learn to cope with your vices

Your flaws can be enjoyable and part of your hobbies. But if they interfere with family and work, then it is better to get rid of such a pastime.

Make a plan for yourself to achieve balance

Rate on a ten-point scale how satisfied you are with the three main components of your life:

  1. How satisfied are you with your time at work?
  2. How satisfied are you with your time with your family?
  3. How satisfied are you with the time you spend on hobbies?

Write down three numbers on a piece of paper. Ready? Now, for those points in which you put 8 points and below, write the answer to the question: "What can I do to make this suit me by 10 points?"

Yes, we have already written what exactly you can do. But if you write down the tips for yourself again, you will get a ready-made action plan that you need to start adhering to today.
