Table of contents:

Acne: what to do when conventional remedies don't work
Acne: what to do when conventional remedies don't work

Why did the acne jump up on the face again, is it worth hoping that they will go away on their own, what means to save themselves, if foams for washing and cosmetics do not save, and when to run to the doctor - everything you need to know about acne.

Acne: what to do when conventional remedies fail
Acne: what to do when conventional remedies fail

What is acne?

Acne is a disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Experts distinguish between many forms, usually we call all of them acne.

Most often, they appear due to hormones. The work of the sebaceous glands and follicles is associated with the exchange of sex hormones. When their balance is disturbed, acne appears.

Due to the large amount of androgens, the sebaceous glands work too hard, so sebum accumulates in the pores, which do not have time to remove it. The fat remains under the skin, the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes multiply in it (they live on everyone's skin, but usually do not manifest themselves in anything). As a result, inflammation develops, and we see a common pimple.

Who is at risk?

  • All adolescents, because during the period of maturation, hormonal changes take place.
  • People with a hereditary predisposition to acne.
  • People with diseases of the hormonal system.
  • Anyone with frequent skin irritations or wearing inappropriate cosmetics.
  • People who are often nervous.

Does acne go away on its own?

Yes, when it comes to youthful acne. Often, when a person grows up and hormones calm down, the rash disappears.

But there are times when the disease is delayed, even when the first rashes appear after 40 years.

Can acne be cured on my own?

Yes, if you have a mild or medium stage (that is, there are no more than 20-25 inflammations on the face) and the rash itself is small. To get started, read our guide on how to get rid of acne. If simple measures do not help, use pharmaceutical preparations.

In more difficult cases, when there are a lot of acne and they are large, leave scars after healing, you need to go to the doctor and select an individual therapy.

What drugs are used to treat acne?

There are several over-the-counter skin preparations that can be used without a dermatologist's instructions.

  • Azelaic acid is the main active ingredient in creams and gels. Eliminates acne and whitens age spots that remain at the site of inflammation.
  • Local antibiotics - erythromycin, clindamycin. They are part of ointments and solutions, it is not recommended to use them constantly, because bacteria develop resistance to them.
  • Benzoyl Peroxide - Reduces inflammation and reduces sebum production.
  • Adapalene, tretinoin - retinoids, substances that work in the follicles. Prevents pores from closing, helps with acne and blackheads.

How do you apply them?

Before the first use, apply the product to a small area of skin on your arm for three days to check for allergies.

All of these acne remedies dry out the skin a lot, so use with them moisturizing cosmetics for oily skin (based on water, not oils).

Protect your skin from the sun during treatment, as certain medications make it more sensitive to ultraviolet light.

Use any product for at least 8 weeks, optimally - 3 months. Only after such a time will it become clear whether the drug is helping you or not.

What doesn't work for acne?

First, extrusion. The elimination of one pimple does not fight the problem - increased activity of the glands and clogged pores. If the pimple is removed mechanically, then instead of it, a wound will turn out, and it is already inflamed. This means that it will take a long time to heal and that there is a high probability of getting a scar at the site of inflammation.

Since acne is still squeezed out, squeezed out and will be squeezed out, observe at least the following rules:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Wipe the area of inflammation with a mild agent.
  • Treat the wound with an antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine.
  • Wash your hands before treating each inflammation.

Second, diet. That is, proper nutrition affects the condition of the skin as a whole, but you do not need to specifically give up everything sweet and fat.

Third, harsh scrubs. They injure the skin and create conditions for the appearance of new inflammations.

What to do when acne doesn't go away?

Go to a dermatologist who will prescribe systemic antibiotics that help specifically in the case of acne, or isotretinoin - a strong retinoid that can fight even serious stages of acne. Treatment with certain oral contraceptives helps women.

These drugs have many side effects, so they must be taken under medical supervision.
