Confusion of languages in speech is normal
Confusion of languages in speech is normal

When you learn a foreign language, it happens that when you speak your native language, a foreign word comes to mind earlier. Don't let this confuse you. A recent study showed that the brains of bilingual children are structurally different from the brains of children growing up in a single language environment. Confusion in dictionaries is normal for those who are fluent in several languages.

Confusion of languages in speech is normal
Confusion of languages in speech is normal

In bilingual countries, you can often hear how in conversation people freely switch from one language to another, mixing them even within the same sentence. In our country, on the contrary, this is sometimes treated with surprise or even disapproval. At the same time, today almost everyone wants to know English at least at a basic conversational level. In order for the study of a foreign language to proceed more naturally, you should not avoid mixing languages in thought and speech - this is normal for bilinguals, since they have a different brain structure.

In a recent study, scientists observed children as young as 4, 6, and 12 months old. Usually, children look from a person's eyes to his mouth when they start talking to them. In a child who is used to hearing only one language, speaking in a foreign language does not cause such a reaction. And bilingual children look at the speaker's mouth in both cases. At the same time, it was not noticed that bilingual children lagged behind in development in general.

A special structure of the brain helps to use more words without additional expenditure of cognitive resources, which allows processing information simultaneously in both languages. At the same time, the difficulty is not switching from one language to another, but, on the contrary, the need to remain within the framework of only one language.

Therefore, if it comes to mind, for example, instead of Russian, you should not resist this (or make a remark to a bilingual child). This is just a good sign - your brain is being rewired. Don't be afraid to look silly when mixing languages. In many countries, this has long been treated normally.
