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Why make plans for 2018 now
Why make plans for 2018 now

In order to live the life of your dreams in a few years, you need to start making plans and behaving in accordance with them now.

Why make plans for 2018 now
Why make plans for 2018 now

Stick to your decisions

Of course, the world is changing very quickly, and you can't plan everything in advance. But let's remember the words of the famous author and life coach Anthony Robbins.

Stay on top of your decisions, but be prepared to adapt to the situation.

Anthony Robbins

Most people don't usually stick to the decisions they make. It's time to change that.

Ask yourself, are you just interested in achieving your goals or sticking to the decisions you make? If we are only interested, then we find reasons and excuses to explain why we cannot keep our promises. But if we really stick to our decisions, we don't need any excuses. We just do whatever is necessary, whatever the cost.

Believe in your strength

Psychologists have found that people with self-confidence and an inner locus of control are in many ways superior to others.

Self-confidence is the belief that you can achieve your goals (in other words, self-confidence). An internal locus of control is the belief that it is not external circumstances, but you who determine your life.

Most people do not believe in their own strengths and are of the opinion that external circumstances govern their lives. Such people usually:

  • Avoid difficulties.
  • Don't take responsibility.
  • Feel helpless.
  • They are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.
  • They get sick more often.
  • They look gloomily into the future.
  • Dissatisfied with their work.
  • Unhappy with life in general.

And the list goes on.

Take charge of your life

It is very easy to assume that we are not responsible for what happens in our lives. And it is much more difficult to admit that every choice we make, every decision we make, determines our future.

For example, you are currently reading this article. Didn't you click on the link? Weren't you in control of your actions?

As soon as you understand that you are completely responsible for every area of your life, then you realize that this is freedom.

After all, if someone or something other than ourselves is responsible for our future, we sit back and turn into a product of external circumstances.


Jim Rohn American speaker, business coach, author of numerous psychology books dedicated to personal development and success.

Let others live ordinary lives, not you. Let others argue over trifles, not you. Let others worry about little things, not you. Let others entrust their future in someone else's hands, not you.

You will understand that only you are responsible for your choice

The ability to choose is associated with three concepts:

  • The right to make choices.
  • Responsibility for your choice.
  • Selection results.

If you feel that you are unable to make choices, you are wrong. We all make choices every day.

When you take responsibility for your choices, you will realize that every decision you make has intention and consequences. Each decision reflects our views and beliefs more vividly than any words.

Therefore, how you allocate your time and who you spend it with is very important. Everything you do becomes important when you take responsibility for your life.

Consciously build your life

For this you need:

  1. Believe that you are in control of what is happening to you.
  2. Believe in your own ability to change your life.
  3. Believe that only you are responsible for your own choices.
  4. Hope that what you dream of will happen.
  5. Stay motivated even in difficult situations.

If the goal is not important to you, there will be no motivation. If you do not believe that you have what it takes to achieve this goal, you will not be motivated either. This theory is called the theory of expectations. According to it, what usually happens is what we expect.

There is another similar concept - the Pygmalion effect: what other people expect of us largely determines how successful we become.

It's simple enough: expect something amazing and it will most likely happen. Surround yourself with people who expect great results from you, and you will begin to live up to those expectations.


Can everything in life go according to our plan? No. But this does not mean that we are not in control of our lives. Our fate is determined by our decisions, not external circumstances.

You can control life, have daring dreams and make them come true. But for this you need to plan ahead. Don't look at 2017 in isolation. After all, this is a direct continuation of 2016.
