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How to build trust in a team
How to build trust in a team

If your team is in fear of bosses, employees will never reveal their talents 100%. How to establish trust in the team, and what will change from this?

How to build trust in a team
How to build trust in a team

Even if you are a good leader who does not raise your voice on your subordinates, this does not mean that the relationship in your team is built on mutual trust and respect. But such a relationship is the key to success and growth in any field. How to win the trust of your subordinates in business, sports and any other area? Here are some tips on this topic.

What should the relationship in the team be based on? Whether it's a sports team, a small company, or even a family, the best and lasting relationships that help each team member open up and show their talents are based on trust. But what if your team has more fear than trust?

At the same time, you do not have to be a rude "screamer" and a cruel boss, a shadow of fear in front of the authorities can be present in any team, even if you do not realize it.

Your authority as a boss, isolated from employees by your status, can create an atmosphere of tension. And if you add here periodic "breakdowns" and a disregard for the interests of subordinates, you have every chance to create a team with timid employees who are afraid to express their opinions and offer their ideas.

Fear is the first enemy of trust. If fear arises in a relationship, trust is lost, and in order to become a trusted leader, you need to gradually remove fear from those you control. There are six ways to do it:

1. Be predictable

Unpredictability breeds fear. If your employees do not know how you will react to a particular situation, they will be afraid to take a step, because there will always be a risk of negative reaction.

They will never know who will appear in the office: a kind boss who is ready to listen, or a beast who will gnaw at any request.

2. Mistakes as a step of learning

A culture based on trust should not include abuse for mistakes. Instead of punishing subordinates for mistakes, use flaws to teach employees how to do tasks correctly and move forward professionally.

3. Explain why

If you give instructions without explaining why to follow them, just as a fact: “I said, and it will be so,” employees lose interest in completing tasks. Always explain why certain innovations and rules are needed, why it is necessary to perform this task in this way, and not otherwise. In addition to trust, such a position will help minimize mistakes, although you will have to spend a little more time on explanations.

4. Tell about yourself

If you tell some facts about yourself, you will cease to seem like a distant and inaccessible boss. In addition, the unknown will disappear, which engenders suspicion and distrust. Talking about yourself and listening to the stories of others, you will find out what people think of you in the team (this is not a way to spy and punish, but opportunities for self-improvement).

5. Consult with employees

In a team based on fear of the leader, subordinates do not make decisions and cannot advise anything. To build a relationship of trust, you should listen to the ideas of your subordinates and wonder if you can put them into practice. If every employee can speak out without fear on any issue, you will have a great source of valuable ideas that can help your development.

6. Be nice

Politeness is a great trait of a leader. Say "please", "thank you" and "good health", show your employees that you see them as personalities, and not as a mass of workers who simply have to fulfill their duties.

An optimistic, reliable and benevolent leader is a guarantee that there will be no intimidated employees in the team, most of them will happily go to work and fully reveal their talents without fear of punishment.
