Table of contents:

9 ways to believe in yourself
9 ways to believe in yourself

To do this at any age is not as difficult as it seems.

9 ways to believe in yourself
9 ways to believe in yourself

1. Become a volunteer

Even in the most successful society, many people need help. These are children from the orphanage, and beggars on the street, and veterans, and those who need blood transfusions.

Try to make someone else's day a little better. Solving other people's problems will make you more confident and increase your self-esteem.

2. Make a list of victories

Surely you have had difficult situations in your life, from which you emerged victorious, or achievements that you can be proud of. Think about them. This will help you believe in yourself.

3. Surround yourself with people who believe in you

Try to communicate to a minimum with those who constantly criticize and humiliate you. Instead, find people with similar values who will support you and enjoy your progress.

4. Accept yourself

Love yourself completely, with all your strengths and weaknesses. It is impossible to become confident if you reject your own qualities.

5. Change the angle of view

Stop focusing on the hardships and injustices of your life. Focus on the good and interesting around you, look for positive moments in difficult situations and be grateful to fate.

6. Solve problems gradually

It is completely unrealistic to start believing in yourself if you constantly fail in your endeavors. Perhaps life really gives you too difficult tasks. Or maybe you don't assess your strengths well enough.

Define a goal that you know to be achievable and take small, but concrete steps towards it. This will teach you how to properly calculate your resources.

7. Study yourself

Francis Bacon said that knowledge is power. And he was right. If you do not cope with the problem, then you master everything that can help in solving it. If you can't get along with yourself, you must first study yourself.

Motivational literature and personal growth workshops can make it easier to find support in your life. Explore how the world and the psychology of other people work in order to better understand yourself.

8. Live by your goals

Assess your goals for a year, five years, and your whole life. Be honest with yourself. Are these really your aspirations or are they just pictures from a fashion magazine stuck in your mind? Do you really want this or is this goal imposed by your half, boss, environment? Maybe instead of traveling to tropical islands, deep down in your soul, you dream of closing yourself in your office and writing a program or a novel? Or vice versa, is it time to drop everything and change the corporate tie for a bungalow overlooking the ocean?

You can only believe in yourself if you live your life. You can't waste your time to fulfill other people's desires and respect yourself at the same time.

9. Stop comparing yourself to others

Everyone has their own path, goals and achievements. Don't waste time, emotions and energy running in a race with other people. Otherwise, your whole life will pass in the skin of a racehorse, driven by the whip of vanity and the spurs of ambition.
