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How to properly motivate yourself for financial success
How to properly motivate yourself for financial success

Don't let the culture of consumption lead you astray.

How to properly motivate yourself for financial success
How to properly motivate yourself for financial success

It would seem, why specifically look for sources of motivation if it is enough to go to Instagram? Luxurious houses and cars, private planes in which those who have already achieved everything sit …

The problem is that such things actually motivate not financial success, but consumer success. People who spend millions on homes, cars or royal weddings don't think about how to optimize their costs and secure a comfortable future.

They give in to the impulse to get everything here and now. But the tale ends when they realize that all these luxuries require care and taxes.

Finding the right financial motivation is a little tricky.

Learn from people who are reaching, not consuming

Start respecting people for their personal accomplishments. Don't look at the property they own. Think about what they have done in life. Did they create anything? Have you even slightly improved the lives of those around you? How hard did you work?

Stop judging people by their appearance. The suit says nothing about the person.

Read biographies of successful people

Find out where they started, how they managed to turn what little they had into something more. What principles did they adhere to and what sacrifices did they make in order to achieve their plans?

  • 16 inspiring biographies →
  • To be like Rockefeller: the secrets of the success and longevity of the famous billionaire →
  • 7 secrets of success for Jeff Bezos - the richest man in history →

Make friends with people who inspire you

Think there are people in your city that you would like to look up to? Go to events where they appear, join public associations in whose activities they take part. Learn from these people. Make an effort to become their friend. Listen to them and get inspired.

Filter the information field around you

Don't focus on TV shows or Instagram posts depicting posh houses and cars that you can't afford. Channel your motivation in the right direction. Remember that our aspirations are highly dependent on what information background surrounds us.

Don't waste time evaluating someone else's property. These are dreams aimed at spending money, not building a stable financial base.

Instead, focus on the pursuit of personal freedom. Imagine your financial success improving your life. Think about how good it would be to get rid of debt. Or save enough so that you can quit your job and do what you like. Think about what your life will look like if you don't have to work at all.

Keep this picture in your head. Reflect on this. Let this motivate you, not the desire to possess expensive things.

Look for motivation in people who have less than you

Firstly, we are talking about those who manage to make ends meet without significant financial investments. Secondly, about those who achieve material success with a modest initial capital. And thirdly, about people who lead a simple and minimalist lifestyle, regardless of income level.

Explore the principles of a minimalist lifestyle

Check out examples of people who live consciously giving up on tons of things. How do they do it? Why are they doing this? What are their values?

Rather than hoarding possessions, these people value life experiences, relationships, and self-realization. And these things are really much cheaper and don't require storage space.

  • 8 reasons to get rid of all unnecessary and become a minimalist →
  • 45 things you don't need →
  • Lagom: how to live in moderation and enjoy it →

Become a volunteer

Volunteering often confronts us with poverty and helps us realize that many people are struggling with hardships that far exceed ours and overcome them. This cannot but inspire.

Look for stories of people who have achieved success with nothing in the beginning

Their experiences will help you realize that you don't have to have rich parents or inheritance to take control of your destiny and succeed.

  • Lessons from John Rockefeller: How to Become a Billionaire from Scratch →
  • These 8 Stories Will Inspire Your Business Feats →
  • 10 stories that will motivate anyone →

Strive for self-discipline, not hedonism

Self-control is one of the most valuable traits of a person striving for financial success. However, as a rule, pop culture and social networks do not talk about this. This is exactly the quality that underlies material independence. It is the ability to recognize and control your impulses and not give in to them.

If the joy in your life is centered on the fleeting pleasures of consumption, you will be completely defenseless against the financial problems that happen to everyone.

Read books on stoicism

They help to make more informed decisions, think strategically.

Start with the book of Marcus Aurelius "". These are the reflections of the greatest Roman emperor on how to wisely dispose of the wealth of the empire and how to interact with both the closest advisers and ordinary citizens of Rome.

Chat with disciplined people

Surround yourself with people who look after your health, do not have bad habits and a passion for hoarding. They usually manage to build a solid business and achieve financial success, because they resist the temptations of the moment and find more productive ways to spend their money, time and energy.

Study the habits of these people. Try to understand how they think, what principles they adhere to. The fact that they have achieved success through willpower and diligence will be a great source of motivation for you.

Reduce your communication with wasteful people who waste their lives on useless momentary pleasures. People who are unable to find any other joy in life other than going to an expensive restaurant or another purchase will not benefit you.

Dream of achievement, not possession

Everyone has dreams, but it is necessary to translate them into real goals so that they do not remain just dreams of a beautiful life. Ask yourself these questions over and over again because this is the only way to be successful:

  • What can I do this year to achieve what I really want?
  • How much of this can I do this month?
  • And this week?
  • And already today?

Explore the goal-setting practices of successful people

Read articles and books on goal setting and planning to understand how others are making their dreams a reality. Find the techniques that are right for you.

  • How to achieve any goal: universal instructions →
  • How to set financial goals correctly in order to achieve them →
  • 16 behavioral strategies for achieving goals and business success →

Skip shopping therapy

Stop walking around shopping malls and browsing online stores if you are not going to buy something. It’s a waste of time, and it’s going to steer your motivation in the wrong direction.

Instead, consider which of your favorite activities does not involve spending money. What are your hobbies? What have you always wanted to try? Focus on these things and try to fill your free time with them.

When choosing activities and activities, be guided by their value, not cost

The most memorable moments of our lives are not connected with the amount of money that we have invested in them, but with the emotions that we received.

Find free or low-cost activities for yourself

They can bring you strong emotions or valuable experiences. This can be, for example:

  • Writing.
  • Self-study music or attending free concerts.
  • Meditation.

You don't have to travel all over the world to find inspiration. You can find it in the park or at your local theater. Just look around.

Try new things, look for different ways to bring joy into your life.

Give up expensive entertainment

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that expensive experiences are better or more meaningful. You can shell out a lot of money for terrible food. You can buy a premium ticket for an expensive but incredibly boring seminar. Even the toilet can be laid out with gold tiles.

The point is to look for what really matters without basing your choice on price.

Do not look at the photos of paradise beaches, but go on a trip to the protected areas of your country, arrange a hike in the mountains. Discover something new in the place where you live. Let your inner voice guide you, not travel brochures.

Once you figure out what brings you joy, find out where else you can have similar experiences. Perhaps there is something similar in your city, and besides, it's free.

All in all, you don't need expensive seminars to be financially successful. Surround yourself with successful people and the right information. And listen to your heart.
