Table of contents:

12 ways to motivate yourself to clean
12 ways to motivate yourself to clean

How to set yourself up so that it becomes pleasant to put things in order.

12 ways to motivate yourself to clean
12 ways to motivate yourself to clean

1. Take cleaning positively

You spend a considerable part of your life cleaning, not in order to torture yourself, but for your own well-being. Living in a clean home where everything is in place is good for your mood, productivity, and overall health.

Try not to perceive cleaning as hard labor. Consider this an investment in a pleasant vacation.

2. Come up with a reward

Everything is simple to the point of banality: if it's too difficult to start cleaning, think of something to please yourself after you do it. Promise yourself a delicious dessert or another episode of your favorite TV series.

3. Get out when no one is home

Surely most people find it easier to clean up when they are at home alone. Even if it makes it impossible to attract household members to a useful activity.

Do not try to start cleaning when you might be disturbed. Apart from unpleasant emotions like annoyance, it will do little.

It pisses me off when someone immediately clutters up everything you just neatly tidied up. Or he gets in the way of wiping the floors while running from one room to another.

4. Don't take all the rooms at once

You do not need to understand cleaning as a total release from the clutter of all parts of your apartment. Waiting for a general cleansing of all rooms, along with washing floors and windows, is exhausting even before it starts. Clean the kitchen today, clean the bath tomorrow - the general appearance of the apartment will not suffer from this.

5. Make a schedule

Think about how it is easier for you to do the cleaning: once or twice a week for a couple of hours, or every day for 20-30 minutes. If you are not sure, at least try the second method. So the front of work will stop scaring you, and putting things in order will become something commonplace.

For example:

  • Monday: take out the clothes in the closet.
  • Tuesday: dust off, arrange things on the shelves.
  • Wednesday: clean the floor throughout the apartment.
  • Thursday: clean the bathroom.
  • Friday: wash the stove.
  • Saturday: take out old things on the balcony.
  • Sunday: change bed linen, send clothes to wash.

As a result, there are not so many chores around the house every day. And it will take no more than half an hour to complete them.

6. Think of cleaning as a sport

An hour of mopping burns about 200 calories. And if you do a thorough cleaning of carpets, the same result can be achieved in half an hour. The same amount of calories you can spend on a full yoga class.

7. Turn on active music

Calm and melancholic songs will not work. Play the music to which you just want to start moving. She will set the rhythm and cheer up, and time will fly by with her faster - you will be surprised that cleaning the floors takes only four or five tracks.

8. Close social networks

Cleaning may end at the previous point - when you sat down at the computer to select music, and did not get up because of it. Or you decided to turn on the radio on your phone and saw a new message. Close all chats and turn off notifications.

9. Start with the hardest

Find the most annoying thing about cleaning and do it first. The visual result and the feeling that the most difficult thing has been done motivates to move on.

If you are going to clean the bathroom, start by cleaning the toilet. When bedding needs to be changed, first deal with the duvet cover. The rest will be done by itself.

10. Get rid of unnecessary things

Stop endlessly shifting, wiping, laying out things that you absolutely do not need. When you free up space, you will immediately want to clean it up, arrange it neatly and keep it clean.

Take out all your old and unnecessary items and put them in bags right away. The main thing is not to hide it on the balcony or in the pantry, but to try to immediately take it out of the apartment so that there is no temptation to return everything back. And you don't need extra blockages.

11. Add something new to the interior

Buy a bright vase or lamp, place decorative candles, or hang new curtains. Bring any little thing that will decorate your home. And if you have a mess in your apartment, you will feel that wherever you put a new thing, nothing can decorate your home like cleanliness.

12. Clean up small mess immediately

Start washing dishes immediately after eating. This will take a maximum of five minutes. If there is no time at all, for example in the morning, fill the dishes with warm water - it will be much easier to wash them afterwards.

Always fold books back, remove makeup, make your bed - take a minute of your time. From such little things, order is born, which is so pleasant to maintain that no motivation is needed.
