Table of contents:

"Earn more, want less": financial life hacks from an investment specialist
"Earn more, want less": financial life hacks from an investment specialist

Big and small revelations about finance from Ben Carlson that will help you look at money in a new way.

"Earn more, want less": financial life hacks from an investment specialist
"Earn more, want less": financial life hacks from an investment specialist

1. Start earning more and don't waste the difference in income

The hardest part for most is to maintain roughly the same standard of living as incomes increase. So the secret to financial success is making more money and wanting less.

2. Mortgage payments act as fixed income investments

One of the benefits of a fixed-rate mortgage is that you know how much you will pay each month of each year while you live in the house. It helps you plan your finances. In addition, this is a kind of guaranteed profit, because you can get back the tax deduction on interest on your mortgage.

3. It's worth spending more on good beer

At 20, quantity usually seems to be more important than quality, but then you realize that good beer is worth its money, which cannot be said about wine.

4. Don't spend more on good wine

Most people will not notice the difference during tasting anyway, so there is no point in paying more than 1,200-3,000 rubles for a bottle of good wine.

5. Invest in your time

Often we independently take on some business only on the basis of principle. It would seem, why pay someone if we can handle it ourselves? But look at it the other way around: By hiring someone to do the job, you free up your time for more important activities.

6. Your income level is no longer satisfying over time

After working for several years, we usually determine the amount of the desired income for ourselves. “If only I receive X rubles a year, I will be provided for,” we think. The problem is that this imaginary amount is constantly growing. Of course, there is nothing wrong with making more money, but money alone will not make you happy.

7. Impressions are more important than material things

Spend money on joint trips with friends, family dinners, and just time with loved ones. This is always remembered, which cannot be said about material things that quickly lose their attractiveness.

8. Buying a book is one of the best deals in the world

This is an amazing opportunity for a relatively small amount to get access to several hundred pages of someone's thoughts and views that have been formed over the years. Of course, not all books are worth the time spent on them, but a good book is one of the most underrated forms of investment.

9. Don't neglect your negotiation skills

Simply asking for a lower price can have a big impact on your business. Nowadays, quite a few companies are ready to discuss the price. Remember: in the worst case, you will simply be refused.

10. Saving reduces stress

Having opened a savings or investment account, we feel calmer. Of course, it is not very pleasant to shell out money for repairs of a house or a car or to spend money on medicines, but knowing that we have funds in the bank for such unforeseen situations, we experience less stress.
