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9 habits will help you to be more energetic and invigorated every day
9 habits will help you to be more energetic and invigorated every day

Working tips for those who are lacking in strength.

9 habits will help you to be more energetic and invigorated every day
9 habits will help you to be more energetic and invigorated every day

Self-help entrepreneur and blog author Scott Young shared tricks to help him stay alert and not give up on the way to his goal. Try to incorporate them into your life.

1. Go to bed early

If you don't get enough sleep on a regular basis, your productivity will inevitably begin to drop. While some claim that they work best when they get six hours of sleep or less, this is not supported by research. Seven to eight hours of sleep is a must if you want to maintain your mental clarity for long periods of time.

For some, lack of sleep is expressed by slight but constant fatigue throughout the day. You may even feel that it does not affect you. But experiments have confirmed that sleep deprivation causes a permanent decline in mental performance. This applies to those who sleep 4-6 hours or less.

Task: try going to bed at ten in the evening for a month. Every day, even on weekends.

2. Exercise every day

Exercise is a long-term investment in your energy. Without physical activity, overall health drops, which means it becomes more difficult to think clearly and concentrate.

If you have a busy schedule, you often don't have time to go to the gym. Therefore, do push-ups or burpees throughout the day. These exercises improve blood circulation and do not take a lot of time. If possible, add fitness classes or workouts at the gym to this.

Task: do at least ten burpees a day.

3. Go for a nap during the day

This is not laziness, but a useful habit with a host of positive consequences for the body, including memory. Naps are especially helpful if you are trying to memorize a lot of new information. In addition, it recharges, because after lunch we usually feel tired. Even if you don't have a separate nap at work, try to use part of your break for rest.

The main thing is not to sleep long. You need to wake up immediately after the alarm goes off and not let yourself fall asleep again. If you stretch your daytime sleep too long, you will go into a deep phase and wake up even more lethargic than you went to bed. Although there will be benefits from such a dream, you will just feel it later, when the drowsiness disappears.

Task: set aside 20 minutes in the afternoon for a nap and rejuvenation.

4. Do hard work in the morning

The first four hours of the work day is the best time for important work. So get down to business as early as possible. The benefits of this are mostly psychological, as energy levels often depend on mood. When we have done important work, the mood improves, we feel productive. But if in the morning we spend a lot of time on emails, meetings, calls and do nothing of value, then, on the contrary, we experience a breakdown in the afternoon.

In addition, it is impossible to work with concentration all day. This is another reason to spend the morning hours on important work, when you have more energy, rather than breaking it up into several chunks during the day.

Task: set aside the first four hours of the day for quiet, focused work.

5. Make a plan for the next day in the evening

Energy levels often depend on how we start the day. If you push yourself hard right away, you’ll overcome procrastination and do a good job. If you start slowly, all the time and effort will be spent on unproductive things.

To avoid this, you need to have a clear idea of how the day will go. Especially the morning. And for this you need to make plans in the evening. Visualize your intentions and write them down so that you can act automatically in the morning.

Task: before going to bed, visualize and write down a plan for tomorrow.

6. Sell Your Own Goals

Many people simultaneously believe in two opposite statements: that marketers can convince them to do a lot of things that they themselves would not have done, but they themselves cannot change their own motivation to do what they need to do.

This is not true. You need to sell your own goals to yourself. It all starts with packaging. The way you formulate your goals and projects greatly affects motivation. Compare the two expressions: "a job that I have to do" and "exciting and interesting task." Do you feel the difference?

The next step is to remind yourself of what inspires you. Remember why you got down to business, what you wanted to achieve. The client must visualize his desire to make a purchase, and good marketers help him with this. And you need to visualize what you want to achieve in order for the energy to appear to do it.

Task: set aside 10 minutes a day to think about where today's actions are helping you move.

7. Communicate less with people who suck energy out of you

Parents are not chosen. This sometimes extends to colleagues and bosses. But you can choose your friends. You've probably noticed that after communicating with some friends, you feel inspiration and cheerfulness. And after communicating with others, on the contrary, a breakdown.

Of course, you should not exclude from your life friends who are temporarily going through a difficult period. But if the person regularly pours his emotions on you and does not help you in return, think about the need to communicate with him. Yes, everyone sometimes needs to cry in a vest, but some like to do it all the time.

Task: Limit meetings with friends, after talking with whom you feel empty.

8. Read good books

A good book automatically jumps you into thoughts about what you need to work on. She does not just tell some facts, but gradually changes your thinking. Just as a good song can evoke a certain emotion, so a good book can energize. Audiobooks are best for this, because you can turn them on while you are on the road or busy with other things.

Task: always have a book on hand that motivates you to move towards your goals.

9. Strive for balance in life

We waste a lot of energy because different aspects of our life - both external and internal - contradict each other. You may be held back by a coworker who doesn't want your promotion, friends who laugh at your goals, or your own fears and doubts.

Take the time and try to unravel the conflicts that have accumulated in your life and find ways to resolve them. Sometimes it is enough to change one thing. Sometimes you need a long-term plan to release toxic environments or beliefs that are holding you back.

Task: think about what helps you move towards your goals, and what gets in the way, and how to resolve these contradictions.
