16 rules to help you get better every day
16 rules to help you get better every day

Life is full of vanity, worries, days fly by. We forget to constantly improve mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We forget that every day you need to get better.

16 rules to help you get better every day
16 rules to help you get better every day

This does not mean that you are not beautiful right now, but constant development is necessary if you want to maintain happiness, motivation, and peace of mind. We will tell you about 16 rules that are the foundation for self-improvement. Take a small step every day to the best version of yourself.

Enrich the mind

1. Eat a frog

Not in the literal sense, of course, although this is not excluded. Our regular readers have probably already remembered this expression. "Eating a frog" means doing something unpleasant. Now, do it at the beginning of the day. It’s one thing, whether it’s a difficult work task or an unpleasant phone call. Get rid of this case, and it will not be a heavy burden hanging over you for the rest of the day.

2. Start already developing or acquiring skills

There will be no better time than now, believe me. You don't have to wait for a special day to start improving your English or learning to play the guitar. If you want to learn a language, sign up for a self-study service, buy an audio course, or hire a tutor. Then it will definitely be difficult to retreat. Buy a guitar! Yes, these expenses are justified: this is the path to your dream.

3. Make an agreement with friends

There is no financial opportunity to enroll in courses or buy a musical instrument? Ask your friends for help. Perhaps some of them have a tool gathering dust without doing anything. Besides, its lucky owner can show you a couple of chords. Or your friend can study a foreign language with you.

By the way, in this case, the benefits will be for both parties. After all, when you explain material to someone, you yourself begin to understand it better. Maybe your friends will find it useful and pleasant to remember their skills.

4. Read, read and read again

Read books of any genre, read voraciously. Books expand your consciousness, provide experiences that you might not be able to get in real life, they make you think. Not sure what to read? For you there is Lifehacker's rubric “Libraries of Outstanding People”. We also periodically write reviews of interesting books that we come across.

Develop your body

1. Do some strength training every day

In the gym, do not spend all your time on a treadmill or elliptical trainer. Do strength exercises as well. With dumbbells, barbell or body weight. Start with regular squats.

2. Replace unhealthy foods with your favorite fruits and vegetables

Well, yes, it sounds boring. And again blah blah blah … But this advice does not lose its relevance. With food, we can harm or benefit the body. Instead of a bag of chips, eat whatever fruit or vegetable you like. Should there be such?

3. Try group activities

A cheerful instructor and like-minded people are often very motivating to take classes. Invite a friend to study with you. Perhaps you both lack the friendly kicks to attend your workouts regularly.

4. Drink water

Still, nothing quenches your thirst as perfectly as water. Indulge in a drink when you feel thirsty. Carry water with you to avoid the exorbitant price tag and the temptation of sugary sodas.

Cultivate True Happiness

1. Praise others

It's really cool to make someone happy, especially someone you care about. Plus, happiness is contagious. Express your appreciation to others. People should know when they are good at something, and you will get a boost of good mood.

2. Smile

Seriously! There are many benefits to you by smiling. For example, you release endorphins that make you happier. Even if you forcefully smile, you will begin to feel better. The next time you feel negative emotions overwhelm you, take control of them with a smile.

3. Better yet, laugh

Remember how good you feel after you laugh heartily. This is all due to the same endorphins. Make it a goal to laugh at least once a day. How? Read something funny or watch an episode of your favorite sitcom.

4. Surround yourself with people you feel good about

Think about how you feel when you interact with the people around you all the time. Are there not those among them who drain you, who constantly bring negative emotions? Are there those who sabotage your efforts to improve yourself, who drag you down? You cannot be truly happy if you are surrounded by negative people. Try to spend time with those who encourage your efforts and inspire you. You deserve it.

Grow spiritually

1. Set goals for yourself

We are not talking about career goals now, although they are also important. Start your day thinking about how to make yourself or someone else happier, what good can you do today? Set goals for spiritual growth.

2. Be grateful for what you already have

There are always things that we want to get, but we don't have yet. It is important to go towards your goals, but there is no point in worrying about the fact that you have not yet reached them. Remember: there is someone who is happy with less than you. Being grateful every day for what you have will help you value your life and your choices. At the end of the day, write down what happened that you are grateful for. Focus on the positive things in your life and you will grow spiritually.

3. Try yoga

Even if you are still a beginner who does asanas with difficulty, you will still enjoy yoga. Yoga is good for clearing the mind and body awareness. Even the simplest poses have this effect. Start your day with yoga and it will go well.

4. Remember: everything passes

Troubles, problems, sad events happen in life, which completely absorb. It is difficult to swim out and move on. Ask yourself, what meaning will this problem have for you in a year? And in 5 years, in 10? Not to mention the end of life.

You only have one life! Put in the effort and make it better.
