Table of contents:

4 ways to get rid of the feeling of lack of work-life balance
4 ways to get rid of the feeling of lack of work-life balance

An excerpt from The Leverage Principle by Rob Moore on how to change your mindset and stop killing yourself with being busy.

4 ways to get rid of the feeling of lack of work-life balance
4 ways to get rid of the feeling of lack of work-life balance

Do not separate work and personal life

Work is also life, and life is also work, everything is one. Life doesn't stop when you come to the office, and work doesn't stop when you decide to devote time to your "personal life."

Sometimes at work, you happen to do interesting things that you enjoy and make you feel meaningful and purposeful. Sometimes, when you are doing even the most favorite things, you have to do something not very pleasant, something painful and humiliating.

These emotional extremes cannot be ignored, so it’s foolish to think that any job is painful, and that what is not, is always a joy. Follow the pendulum, concentrate on one task at hand, and do it as best you can. Do your best on both what you like and what is unpleasant.

In order to feel like a happy and free person in control of your own life a significant part of the time, you must choose a profession that will become your passion, which will feel like a calling and even as entertainment. In this case, you do not have to distribute work and personal life to different poles.

Combine them as much as possible. Enjoy work when you are at home and travel like a vacation. Instead of waiting for one big pension at the end of your life, arrange for yourself "mini-pensions" all year round. “Work” longer and more, but only because you like it, because you want to leave your mark on history and achieve something.

Do not separate home and office, involve your family in "work", make your hobbies work. Instead of thinking that you get tired at work and relax on vacation, be mobile always, combine travel, work and personal life.

Break the rigid structure imposed by society and create your own one that suits your life as you see it. Even if you become obsessed, as is the case with most passionate and successful people, you still shouldn't sacrifice time with family or friends to do so.

Why divide people you like into "work friends" and "family friends"? Why not combine them all? Live everything now, in the moment, so you don’t have to postpone or balance anything. Don't divide your time into weekdays and weekends. Any thing is appropriate anytime and anywhere.

Have a clear idea of your whole life and what you want from it

Find something that you will be obsessed with, something that you can't help but do that will give you a sense of purpose and respect for yourself, something that is important to other people. If the case does not meet these requirements, drop it. Don't try to do everything for everyone.

Give up unnecessary things. Allow yourself to be extreme: Become a person who is extremely focused on your goal and extremely absent-mindedly looking at everything else.

Work ceases to be perceived as work when you do something that you believe you should do, that promises money and matters to people. Work ceases to be such when your profession becomes a really interesting business for you.

If you clearly know who you want to become, if you have such a big and significant goal in front of you that every morning you get up motivated and joyful, how can any task that lies before you be called work?

Give up all things that are not important to you

When you quit, it's called weakness. If you give up a worthy goal that you have almost achieved, you will feel short-term relief, but later you will regret the decision you made.

Indeed, when you give up something early on, faced with the first problems, it is often a sign of weakness. This may indicate a lack of vision and long-term perspective. Getting down to business again, and again, and again is a guaranteed way to achieve nothing and spend a lot of time.

But sometimes the urge to stop indicates that the activity is not really that important to you. Why keep doing something simply because rejection will feel like weakness, or because you've almost reached a goal that doesn't mean anything to you?

I decided to study as an architect and after two weeks I realized that this is not what I want to do. For the next 154 weeks, I continued to walk, because I did not want people who were completely unfamiliar to me to say behind my back that I had given up. They didn't even know me, so why was their opinion important to me? It is very strange. I did a stupid thing by not stopping in time. The incomplete three years cost me nearly six years of wasted opportunities, which would most likely lead me to something significant.

Give up everything that doesn't matter right now. Just stop.

You will not die unless it is about taking medication. Give up what you will never do well. Give up the things you hate but think you should do. Conversely, never give up on something that is important to you, simply because it has become difficult.

Vision, self-awareness and wisdom come from understanding the difference between important and unimportant. Where are you now: one step away from a goal that is important to you, or somewhere in the middle of the road to nowhere?

Step aside and say no

Don't do something or become someone just because other people expect you to. The pressures of society are tiresome and inconsistent.

Free yourself from unimportant things that are not related to your vision and values.

Leave them to other people (some might like it and do it quite well). Step aside. Let them go, let them fly. And do not try to control what they do.

You will feel free when you give up unnecessary things, admit that you do not know how to everything, and invest the freed up time, energy and passion in something meaningful that will be important for you and for those you love and who you strive to benefit.

No matter what you say or do, people will judge you anyway, so say and do whatever you think is right, not forgetting, however, about tact and modesty.
