Is anaconda poisonous? What river flows out of Baikal? Try to answer the Weakest Link questions
Is anaconda poisonous? What river flows out of Baikal? Try to answer the Weakest Link questions

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Is anaconda poisonous? What river flows out of Baikal? Try to answer the Weakest Link questions!
Is anaconda poisonous? What river flows out of Baikal? Try to answer the Weakest Link questions!

– 1 –

Name the only river flowing from Lake Baikal.


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– 2 –

Nobel Prize in which field of expertise did Ernest Rutherford receive?

Chemistry. The award was given to the scientist "for his research in the field of decay of elements in the chemistry of radioactive substances."

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– 3 –

With whom did Hamlet fence in Shakespeare's play? State the name!

With Laertes. This character wanted to stab Hamlet with a sword, the edge of which was smeared with poison, and thus avenge the prince for the death of his father.

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– 4 –

Which country's warrior statues are known as the Terracotta Army?

China. The Terracotta Army consists of approximately 8,000 full-size statues of warriors and their horses. The Clay Army has guarded the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi in Xi'an since 210 BC.

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– 5 –

Which ocean does the Bering Sea belong to?

Quiet. This sea in the north of the ocean is separated from it by the Aleutian and Commander Islands.

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– 6 –

In which entertainment institution does the sprech-shtalmaster work?

At the circus. Shprechstalmeister - the host of the circus performance. He announces the numbers, oversees the implementation of safety rules, organizes rehearsals. In the modern Russian circus, this position is called "inspector of the arena".

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– 7 –

The name of which monastic order comes from the pointed headdress?

Capuchins. From the Italian cappuccio - "hood". Members of this order wore robes with a pointed hood.

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– 8 –

The inhabitants of which ancient country worshiped the goddess Isis?

Egypt. Isis is the goddess of femininity and motherhood. Its symbol is the royal throne, the sign of which was often placed on the head of the goddess in various images.

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– 9 –

Anaconda is a venomous snake?

No. Although the snake looks massive and dangerous, its saliva is harmless to humans. Tooth wounds, on the other hand, can cause serious damage.

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– 10 –

In which city is the opera house "La Fenice" - Venice or Rome?

In Venice. La Fenice is translated from Italian as "Phoenix". The name of the theater is symbolic: it burned several times, but rose from the ashes, like a phoenix, and began work again.

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– 11 –

How many paws does a shepherd have?

Two. Sheep is a large waterfowl duck. It looks like this:

Sheep is a large waterfowl duck
Sheep is a large waterfowl duck

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– 12 –

What shoes became the name of Tchaikovsky's opera?

Cherevichki. This opera is based on Nikolai Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas". Vakula, the main character, had to get leather shoes for his beloved Oksana, which the empress herself wears. Only after that did the girl agree to marry him.

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– 13 –

What popular ornamental mineral in Russia was called a kidney stone in the old days?

Nephritis. In ancient times, the mineral was considered a talisman that bestows protection against kidney stones.

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– 14 –

Which Italian city, the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region, gave the name to both the fabric and the dog breed?


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– 15 –

What was the last name of the English manufacturer who first made vellum paper in the 1750s?

Whatman, and his name was James. High-quality thick paper was ordered from this manufacturer by the printer John Baskerville.

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This article uses materials from the April 2020 issue.
