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How to prepare apple juice for the winter
How to prepare apple juice for the winter

A flavored drink is easy to make with a juicer or juicer.

How to prepare apple juice for the winter
How to prepare apple juice for the winter

What to consider

  • The recipes do not specify the exact amount of ingredients. For juice, you can take as many fruits and vegetables as you like, and add sugar to taste: for 1 liter of juice, someone puts 1 tablespoon of sand, and someone - and all 5-6. It depends on how sour the apples are. The drink can be made without sugar if the fruit is sweet. Don't worry: the juice will be stored without the sand.
  • About 1 liter of juice comes out of 3 kg of apples, but it can be less or more. It depends on the juiciness of the fruit.
  • Another hot drink needs to be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. Then they should be turned over, wrapped in something warm, cooled and stored in a cool dark place.
  • These recipes are made without adding water. If the drink seems too concentrated, simply dilute it to taste before drinking.

How to prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer

How to prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer
How to prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer

What do you need

  • Apples;
  • sugar is optional.

What else can be added

Use other seasonal fruits such as pears, carrots, or pumpkin. Take them in equal proportions with apples, or just a little, if you do not want to strongly interrupt the taste of the main ingredient.

How to make juice

Cut the apples into large pieces and remove the cores. Peel the rest of the fruits and vegetables and divide them into the same pieces. Pass the fruit through a juicer.

If a frothy cap has formed on the juice, carefully remove it. This foam can be folded into cheesecloth and squeezed with your hands - this will also release some of the liquid.

To make the drink clear, strain all the juice through several layers of cheesecloth. If you like the pulp option, skip this step.

Pour the juice into a saucepan and - if desired - add sugar. Put on low heat and bring to 90–95 ° С. If there is no thermometer, determine by eye: steam will begin to emanate from the liquid, it is about to boil, but there is no bubbling yet. Remove the juice from the stove and pour into the jars.

How to prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer

How to prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer
How to prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer

What do you need

  • Apples;
  • sugar is optional.

What else can be added

To prepare a drink in a juicer, grapes, plums and pumpkin are suitable. Take them in equal proportions with apples, or just a little, if you do not want to strongly interrupt the taste of the main ingredient.

How to make juice

Cut the apples into large wedges and remove the cores. Pits should be removed from the plum, and the pumpkin should be peeled and cut into pieces. If you use grapes, then you don't need to do anything with it.

Fill more than half of the lower saucepan of the juicer with water, place a medium container on top, and a third colander bowl on top of it.

Place apples and other fruits in the last bowl. Mix them with sugar if necessary. Cover and place over medium heat.

Dip the hose of the juicer through which the drink will flow into the sterilized jar. The juice will begin to stand out in 20-30 minutes and will pour out within 1-2 hours, depending on the number and juiciness of apples. The drink is clear.
