Table of contents:

Yoga instead of exercise: morning complex for 15 minutes
Yoga instead of exercise: morning complex for 15 minutes

Do these exercises daily - you will enjoy vigor in the morning and calm in the middle of the day.

Yoga instead of exercise: morning complex for 15 minutes
Yoga instead of exercise: morning complex for 15 minutes

Targeting and breathing techniques (5 minutes)

Choose a target (2 minutes)

  • Close your eyes and just watch your body and thoughts for a minute. What do you need today? Are you nervous and want to calm down, or are your body feeling tough and tense and need to relax?
  • Use your senses as a target for your morning practice. Let this goal - to be more relaxed, calm, peaceful - sets the tone for the whole day.

Practice even breathing (3 minutes)

  • Sit on a chair or rug in a comfortable position.
  • Breathe through your nose and count to yourself: inhale three counts, exhale three counts.
  • You can increase the length of inhalation and exhalation. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.
  • If you need to calm down, exhale twice as long as you inhale. For example, inhale for three counts, exhale for six.

Performing asanas (8 minutes)

To benefit from morning yoga, it is not at all necessary to curl up into unthinkable positions. On the contrary, morning asanas should be simple and comfortable, as their main purpose is to achieve awareness and strengthen the connection between body and mind, as well as prepare for meditation. A prerequisite is to combine movement with correct breathing.

Exercise 1. Mountain pose and side bend

Mountain pose

  • Stand straight with your feet together and your feet parallel to each other.
  • Imagine each foot has four corners and you press them evenly into the ground. This will help you distribute your body weight correctly.
  • Knees are tight, kneecaps are pulled up.
  • Tighten the buttocks, direct the tailbone down, as if trying to lengthen it.
  • Lower your shoulders, straighten your chest.
  • Direct your gaze forward, stretch the top of your head up, as if lengthening your neck.
  • Watch your breathing: it should be calm and even.
  • Stand in this position for five breaths.

Side bend from mountain pose

  • From mountain pose, as you inhale, raise your straight arms above your head and interlace your fingers into the lock.
  • Keeping your hands locked, turn them over, palms up. Lean to the right, gently stretching and lengthening one side of your body.
  • Both feet are firmly on the floor, as if you were rooted in the ground.
  • Feel how one side of the body is stretched, carry out five breathing cycles in this position.
  • As you exhale, return to an upright position, lower your arms and take the mountain pose. Hold it for five more breathing cycles, and then tilt to the other side.

Exercise # 2. Warrior Pose II

  • From the mountain pose, step to the right side at a distance of 1–1, 2 meters. Keep your hands on your hips.
  • Expand your right foot outward 60-90 degrees. The heel of the right foot should be level with the instep of the left foot.
  • Bend the knee of your right leg so that it is over the foot and your thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • The knee of the right leg is turned to the right side, the left leg is straight, the hips are open and look forward.
  • Raise your straight arms to parallel with the floor, fingers together, palms facing down. The shoulders are above the hips, without skewing to one side or the other.
  • Turn your head to the right, look at the fingers of your right hand, relax and lower your shoulders.
  • Stand in this position for five breathing cycles, and then change the position of the feet and perform the asana on the other side.

Exercise # 3: Moving from Mountain Pose to Chair Pose

  • Return to Mountain Pose.
  • As you inhale, raise your straight arms above your head, palms shoulder-width apart and directed towards each other. If you have had shoulder injuries, bring your arms together in front of you, palms pressed together against your chest.
  • As you exhale, bend your knees, shift your weight onto your heels, and squat.
  • Breathe in deeply to stretch your arms and lift them higher. Relax and lower your shoulders, try to lower your shoulder blades and open your chest.
  • As you exhale, deepen the squat, trying to bring your hips to parallel with the floor. Keep your back straight and pull your tailbone towards the floor.
  • The gaze is directed forward, the neck is straight. Hold the position for five breathing cycles, with each exhalation sitting a little deeper (but not further than the parallel of the hips to the floor). On the last exhale, enter the mountain pose.
  • Make five transitions from mountain pose to chair pose.

Exercise number 4. Rest in an angle pose

  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. If you're uncomfortable, sit on a rolled-up blanket.
  • As you exhale, bend your knees and pull your heels closer to your pelvis. Then gently spread your knees to the sides so that the soles of your feet are connected and the outside of your feet is pressed to the ground.
  • Grasp your big toes with your thumb and forefinger. If you can't reach your feet, place your hands on your shins.
  • Sit with a straight back, stretch the top of your head up. The pelvis should be in a neutral position so that the lower back does not round or sag. Relax and lower your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together and lower. Open and lift your chest, relax your hips. Don't push your knees to bring them down!
  • Maintain this pose for five breaths. To come out of the pose, use your hands to lift your knees off the floor and straighten your legs in front of you.

Meditation (2 minutes)

  • Lie on your back and relax in a corpse pose. Hands are at an angle of 45 degrees from the body, palms are facing up. The shoulders are lowered and relaxed.
  • Close your eyes if that's more comfortable for you. Concentrate on the sensations of your body. First, shift your attention to your feet and gradually rise higher, up to the crown of your head.
  • Recall your purpose and let your thoughts flow calmly, without focusing on them or making judgments.
  • Breathe calmly and naturally.
  • At the end of the meditation, open your eyes, take a deep breath, gently rise, helping yourself with your hands.

Exercise in the complex will help you disperse your blood, stretch tight muscles and feel refreshed and refreshed, while meditation and mindfulness practice will calm your mind and set you up for a productive day.
