How to always finish a job you start?
How to always finish a job you start?

The reasons why we give up and how to overcome them.

How to always finish a job you start?
How to always finish a job you start?

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How to always finish a job you start?


Hey! Disappointment and lack of persistence are the main reasons why we never finish what we started. Lack of time or money can make us give up. However, it is still possible to overcome all barriers, become more persistent and achieve the goal - here are six ways to do it:

  • Set a big goal. The more serious the goal, the more confidence and persistence in achieving it. We are ready to try when we realize our responsibility for others: family, friends, clients.
  • Connect with people who have already achieved results. If you know that someone has already done this, then you are sure that it is possible. Therefore, look for a teacher, mentor or interest group, a responsible partner. This will move you further than alone.
  • Set yourself up for growth. The obstacle to the goal is our ego. It is worth stopping to prove something to others, as the problem of protecting your ego fades into the background, and strength is given to pumping skills.
  • Make a schedule. It will help you prioritize and keep track of time to complete tasks: for example, memorize 30 new words a day or practice a foreign language every morning.
  • Teach others. One of the fastest and most effective ways to retain what you have learned is to immediately put the knowledge into practice or pass on the knowledge to someone else.
  • Build up your motivation. Use apps where someone can track your steps. Or announce your goal publicly. Reputation is the best bet.

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