Table of contents:

Constant fatigue? Laziness? Depression? Try it
Constant fatigue? Laziness? Depression? Try it

What if you feel tired not sometimes, but constantly? What could be the reason? Energy management will help you answer your questions!

Constant fatigue? Laziness? Depression? Try it!
Constant fatigue? Laziness? Depression? Try it!

Tired? Too lazy to work? Pour coffee in and shove the Snickers!

Can't you relax? Stress? Booze, smoke, empty the fridge!

Simple solutions. Everyone loves them …

It's a pity that after 2-3 months you turn into a vegetable, into a lifeless log. You lie on the couch, stupid in the TV trash chute. Depression. Apathy. No strength. But you are not alone. There are millions of them. A whole nation of tired people.

So what? We are doomed? No, energy management will help us all! He doesn't promise quick fixes. But it WORKS. This article will show you how.

Everything is

Modern man has everything.

There is a computer, Internet, car for work.

For sports, there is a treadmill in the courtyard, a foldable exercise machine under the couch, and an annual fitness center membership.

For family happiness there is a wife, a child, an apartment and a dacha.

Everything is.

We all know

We all know.

What to do in the morning.

That you need to watch less TV and read more books.

That you need to smile at your daughter and give nice trinkets to your wife.

We all know.

But we don't do shit


Although no, I'm lying.

Traditionally, once a year a person tries to change. He buys new sneakers, gets up at 6 in the morning, takes an ice cold shower and goes to the stadium.

This "enthusiasm" usually lasts 2-5 days.

Well, nothing, in 363 days I'll try again …

Willpower is not the problem. The resource of willpower is small.

What's the problem?

We lack energy

Energy? What other energy?

When the car runs out of energy, we fill it with gas. What do I need to eat to get energy?

Energy management is not about calories.

This is about 4 types of energy:


The lower the level, the more important it is for our productivity.

Physical energy

Detailed plan. Time management. Big awards. People's expectations.

All this greatly motivates to work.

But none of this matters if YOU HAVE NOT SLEEP FOR TWO DAYS.

Or you are DRUNK as an insole.

Or you have a severe HEADACHE.

Yes, I caught up with horror. But just to show that if you have a physical energy problem, nothing else matters. YOU ARE DOED TO FAIL.

How to restore physical energy?

  • Go in for sports. But only the ones you really like. For example, in my case it is football and walking. And then there is tennis, running, swimming, cycling …
  • Sleep at night. At least 7 hours. I also recommend a nap. This is a plague - as if you live two full days instead of one!
  • Eat right. Everything is clear here. Sweet, fatty, flour, identical to natural (yeah, one to one straight!) …
  • Avoid coffee and alcohol. My sore subject is coffee. Drink coffee in the morning - in the evening your strength is at zero. Or is it wrong with you?

Thanks, Cap!

Yes, I'm Cap. Have you been waiting for trigonometric equations?

Emotional energy

The same situation. We have everything. We slept well, we feel great, we have no pain.

But you just had a terrible fight.

With your best friend. Almost before a fight. You called him an idiot, his wife a dumb blonde, and your son an ugly fat man.

He, too, did not remain in debt.

You are all boiling. Adrenaline pounds you.

Will you be able to work?

Uh … Yes. In fits and starts. According to the scheme "I work for 1 minute - I think about a quarrel for 10 minutes."

Or take the opposite situation.

For example, say your boss just called you and warmly praised your work.

This is a completely different matter! The work starts to argue. Hands themselves fly over the keyboard (well, or what do you do there for a living?).

Pleasure, challenge, adventure, opportunity - they restore our emotional energy.

Anger, resentment, irritation - they take it away.

Mental energy

These are the ability to concentrate, creativity, time management and planning.

Mental energy problems? You can work, but somehow.

Chess, books, music lessons, painting and meditation


mind-numbing work, computer shooters and social networking.

And also: throw out the zombie box! It destroys your brain! Or at least pull out the antenna by the roots.

Spiritual energy

Why do you live? Why are you working in this job? Where will what you do now take you?

Few people think about it. People can spin for years like a squirrel in a wheel, without thinking at all.

You can work. Achieving GREAT results is not.

How to top up: set big goals, do charity work and other good and necessary deeds.

Pulse of life

One of the key concepts of EM. The meaning is: WORKED - REST - WORK - REST.

We alternate between load and rest.

When do problems arise? When a person, carried away, begins to give out: WORKED - WORKED - WORKED - DRINKED A LITER OF COFFEE - WORKED …

Alternation is necessary:

  • During the day (see, for example, the Pomodoro technique).
  • During the day (night sleep, daytime sleep).
  • During the week (weekends).
  • During the year (vacation).

Don't go overboard! Include rest periods in your routine.

Energy "biceps" can be pumped up

Do you know that big biceps are not only training, but also good rest?

Muscles need time to recover, but after that they become larger and more resilient.

Our energy “warehouses” work the same way.

If you alternate between work and recovery, if you gradually increase the load, they will begin to grow.

We have all met such people: cheerful, purposeful, infecting others with their energy. And at the same time PRODUCTIVE.

Who are they? How did they achieve this?

These are just people with big energy "banks".

Although, of course, the version about aliens cannot be completely ruled out …

So where do you start?

Start with AWARENESS.

Studying energy management theory doesn't make you an energizer hare, but at least you can stop going to extremes.

You will no longer get drunk, you will not sacrifice sleep, you will not pour liters of coffee into yourself …

And if you do, then at least you will not whine about "the years are taking their toll" and "the forces are not the same."

So, what can you read about EM:

  • "Life at full power!" by Jim Loer and Tony Schwartz
  • "Time to Rest". Author - Gleb Arkhangelsky
  • "Stress surfing". Author - Ivan Kirillov

If you know other good books - write in the comments!

Well, if you still can't get started, I recommend that you follow my example and organize a 30-day marathon. Make a public statement (for example, "VKontakte" - it should also be of some benefit), and then report to your friends about your successes.

In my opinion, it is easier and more correct to start with physical energy.


Stop whining! Stop sighing and sighing!

You are not a vegetable!

You are a human!

The possibilities are endless.

You just don't have enough energy.

And now you know where to get it!

Write in the comments

Have you tried energy management?

How do you like it? Wings have grown?
