Do you like working in a cafe? Transform your home and regular office into a cafe (virtually)
Do you like working in a cafe? Transform your home and regular office into a cafe (virtually)

I confess, I have one thing - I have to work in a room in which I am alone, in which my favorite music is quiet and playing. And most importantly, there should be a table and a comfortable chair on which I sit. No sofas, ottomans, stools and knee work. Only this configuration. But I know many people who love working in cafes - the smell of coffee, monotonous noise and vibration of people and events. If you are not like me and love a cafe as an office, then here is a cool service that will allow you to recreate the atmosphere of a cafe both at home and at work.


Coffitivity (Coffee + Productivity) is a service for reproducing the ambient noise of an ordinary coffee shop. The creators of the service cite a study that claims that moderate noise increases the level of creativity and productivity.

The creators of the service recommend mixing Coffitivity sounds with your favorite music in this proportion to achieve the best virtual immersion in the process.
